Bush Guru Says President's Bond with U.S. 'May Be Lost'


Villified User
Bush Guru Says President's Bond with U.S. 'May Be Lost'

February 15, 2007

ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: In the forthcoming issue of Texas Monthly, former Bush strategist Matthew Dowd writes that President Bush's "gut-level bond" with the American people "may be lost" and that "wholesale change" is needed in Iraq.

"Sending in a small contingent of troops is likely going to be seen as not helpful," Dowd writes. "He'd be much better off with the public if he said, 'This is a mess, we made mistakes, and the only way to fix it is a wholesale change.' And that could mean either a serious increase in troop strength or withdrawal."

Dowd opines that Bush's problems stem from his success in the 2002 midterm elections. ". . . when all the levers of power in Washington became Republican, creating consensus seemed to become unnecessary at the White House."

Of course, others have made these same observations before. But Dowd's comments are sure to get lots of attention in Washington because of the very senior role that he played for Bush's presidential campaigns.

He was Bush's "senior strategist" in 2000 and his "chief strategist" in 2004.


Well Duhhh! I guess this kind of brilliance is why they call him a Guru :rolleyes:
I agree.. It kills me when these talking heads chime in months later with the most obvious... its like whenever the latest and greatest happens ..its seems like the media is the last to catch on...