Bush Is Bloviating Yet Again


Senior Member
On the September 11, 2001 blah blah blah blah blah, terrorist cells blah blah blah, terrorists in London, blah blah blah blah terrorist networks, blah blah blah blah, terrorists blah blah blah blah--Bush is really sweating those terrorists. I bet he has used the word terrorists about 100 times already...waging war on our nation...obligation to the American people, blah blah blah...vote these bastards out...please.
Bush is proposing we change the national anthem to read... "Land of the frightened, home of the opressed" instead of the land of the free and home of the brave!

I thought we were a nation that does not act out of fear but out of bravery. I thought we we a nation founded on the cry... "give me liberty or give me death"
I loved what he said about the detainees in Guantanamo. How they are all dangerous terrorists out to get us.

I only have one question. Does he believe in the rule of law?

I mean how can any American citizen feel safe with a President that does not believe in "Innocent until proven guilty"? It is scary to me to realize that this man does not have any qualms at all about locking people up without even a hearing. Is it possible that in the next two years it could be Democrats who want to impeach him that are locked up as enemy combatants?

I understand that these people in Guantanamo are not American Citizens. Why should that matter? They are at the very least, human beings.

I loved what he said about the detainees in Guantanamo. How they are all dangerous terrorists out to get us.

I only have one question. Does he believe in the rule of law?

I mean how can any American citizen feel safe with a President that does not believe in "Innocent until proven guilty"? It is scary to me to realize that this man does not have any qualms at all about locking people up without even a hearing. Is it possible that in the next two years it could be Democrats who want to impeach him that are locked up as enemy combatants?

I understand that these people in Guantanamo are not American Citizens. Why should that matter? They are at the very least, human beings.


I think he believes rule of law can be amended in a time of war..... ohh wait, I forgot according to Dixie we are not at war!
Well bite me! He actually did mention trials for these people. Of course, it sounds to me like it will be in his timing. Meaning these people will rot before receiving trials.

Well bite me! He actually did mention trials for these people. Of course, it sounds to me like it will be in his timing. Meaning these people will rot before receiving trials.


Well the Supreme Court did say he had to!
Well he was giving a speech about accused terrorists and how they will be dealt with. Call me crazy but using the word terrorist seems appropriate here at least.
Your ignorance is showing again. The gitmo prisoners are NOT Americans. They are foreign nationals out to destroy America. That includes you. And they want to use our laws to hide behind so they can continue with their plans. Thay also use YOU to support their efforts through your ignorance and desire to bury your head in the sand and pretent nothing has ever happened. These are the guys involved in the 9/11 attacks, they are part of bin ladens organization which you say is being ignored because of iraq, yet you ignore this and want to give them our rights.

These are not innocent guys next door types. Thay are viciuos killers that would cut your throat in a heart beat yet you cannot see this. All you can say is "I hate Bush". He's got two more years inspite of the coming elections. And the next president is going to have to continue the efforts.
Yes because they are not americans the rules are different. However obviously they are still entitled to some rights as treaties the US is signatory to are the law of the land.

And saying they are vicious killers is not an argument against a fair trial. Obviously this is said about anyone being prosecuted for murder not just terrorists.

I say give them something like a court martial in which evidence is not made public. Keep the details of the proceedings somewhat secret but available for review as well. Bush wants to deny them even the right to challenge hearsay and to hear the evidence against them.

You cannot have a real trial with such limitations. It is impossible it becomes a mere sentencing.
Hmmmm, those terrorists in gitmo, made sure they knew american LAWS before they were captured and arrested and had PLANNED ALL ALONG to use the American system to get off for BEING KILLERS....and enemy combatants...

yeah, sounds about RIGHT, huh gaffer... ?


Your ignorance is showing again. The gitmo prisoners are NOT Americans. They are foreign nationals out to destroy America. That includes you. And they want to use our laws to hide behind so they can continue with their plans. Thay also use YOU to support their efforts through your ignorance and desire to bury your head in the sand and pretent nothing has ever happened. These are the guys involved in the 9/11 attacks, they are part of bin ladens organization which you say is being ignored because of iraq, yet you ignore this and want to give them our rights.

These are not innocent guys next door types. Thay are viciuos killers that would cut your throat in a heart beat yet you cannot see this. All you can say is "I hate Bush". He's got two more years inspite of the coming elections. And the next president is going to have to continue the efforts.

It appears to me that it is your ignorance that is showing. You cannot say that the prisoners at Gitmo are guilty of any crimes against America, or even any crime at all because your man Georgie Boy won't give them so much as a hearing. I have no problem at all with detaining anyone who is guilty of a crime against us, but I do have a problem with putting someone who may very well be innocent into a prison and throwing away the key.

Give them a trial and if they are guilty of a crime then keep them locked up. Or even if they show hostile tendencies against us keep them locked up until the war is over.

Your ignorance is showing again. The gitmo prisoners are NOT Americans. They are foreign nationals out to destroy America. That includes you. And they want to use our laws to hide behind so they can continue with their plans. Thay also use YOU to support their efforts through your ignorance and desire to bury your head in the sand and pretent nothing has ever happened. These are the guys involved in the 9/11 attacks, they are part of bin ladens organization which you say is being ignored because of iraq, yet you ignore this and want to give them our rights.

These are not innocent guys next door types. Thay are viciuos killers that would cut your throat in a heart beat yet you cannot see this. All you can say is "I hate Bush". He's got two more years inspite of the coming elections. And the next president is going to have to continue the efforts.

We have heard this "worst of the worst" mantra for years now, yet over 200 of the 600 or so original detainees have been released with no charges whatsoever being filed. In addition charges have been filed in only about 12 cases. The sad and sorry fact is that most of these people were sacrificed by their friends and neighbors in Afghanistan for the generous (by Afghanistan standards) rewards that the US Army paid in cash for information on Taliban supporters. So what you had was one person informing on their enemy or someone with whom they had a grudge. Why not turn in the guy who is harassing your wife as an enemy of America for a couple thousand cash?

It worked and the American forces rounded up a lot of people who did nothing in the war as evidenced by the dearth of charges filed against most of the captives.
Your ignorance is showing again. The gitmo prisoners are NOT Americans. They are foreign nationals out to destroy America. That includes you. And they want to use our laws to hide behind so they can continue with their plans. Thay also use YOU to support their efforts through your ignorance and desire to bury your head in the sand and pretent nothing has ever happened. These are the guys involved in the 9/11 attacks, they are part of bin ladens organization which you say is being ignored because of iraq, yet you ignore this and want to give them our rights.

These are not innocent guys next door types. Thay are viciuos killers that would cut your throat in a heart beat yet you cannot see this. All you can say is "I hate Bush". He's got two more years inspite of the coming elections. And the next president is going to have to continue the efforts.

How do we know this ? Guilty till proven innocent ?
We have heard this "worst of the worst" mantra for years now, yet over 200 of the 600 or so original detainees have been released with no charges whatsoever being filed. In addition charges have been filed in only about 12 cases. The sad and sorry fact is that most of these people were sacrificed by their friends and neighbors in Afghanistan for the generous (by Afghanistan standards) rewards that the US Army paid in cash for information on Taliban supporters. So what you had was one person informing on their enemy or someone with whom they had a grudge. Why not turn in the guy who is harassing your wife as an enemy of America for a couple thousand cash?

It worked and the American forces rounded up a lot of people who did nothing in the war as evidenced by the dearth of charges filed against most of the captives.

Duh! The ones who were released were only the worst. They weeded out the worst terrorists, from the worst of the worst terrorists, and set the worst free into the general public, but kept the worst of the worst locked up. That's why the accolytes always say, these are the worst of the worst, because they know that those terrorists who were only the worst, are already gone.

It's elementary, and quite a crafty move on bush's part.
Duh! The ones who were released were only the worst. They weeded out the worst terrorists, from the worst of the worst terrorists, and set the worst free into the general public, but kept the worst of the worst locked up. That's why the accolytes always say, these are the worst of the worst, because they know that those terrorists who were only the worst, are already gone.

It's elementary, and quite a crafty move on bush's part.
And if any of the worst of the worst are found not guilty it will be because of liberal, activist judges, of course.
And if any of the worst of the worst are found not guilty it will be because of liberal, activist judges, of course.

Right. I forgot that part. Sometimes, with all of the brainwashing I've been through, my brain goes a little bit wonky. One time, I woke up and thought "maybe war isn't peace". Well, that scared the shit out of me so bad that I called in sick to work and stayed home and watched Fox and listened to Rush all day. Then I was ok again.