Bush is one paranoid SOB

The Neo-con concept of perpetual war to maintain a maluable population.

First it was the reds. Then it was the Muslims. Next it is Martians....

Those Martians hate us for our 'freedoms'....
He's a fucking psycho, and should be locked up with John Karr for about fifty years. And all the fools who voted for this son-of-a-bitch ought to be forced to undergo serious psychological evaluations to see what makes them tick; and they should be divided into two groups; those who have come to their senses on there own should be given some sort of out-patient treatment to make sure they don't experience a relapse; while the incurables should be committed until they can demonstrate to a team of mental professionals that they have regained some semblence of sanity.
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That's a little extreme Prakosh....lol

Simply extending education so we have fewer philosophically illiterate generations would do the job of ensuring a better quality of electorate and thus a better quality government.
That's a little extreme Prakosh....lol

Simply extending education so we have fewer philosophically illiterate generations would do the job of ensuring a better quality of electorate and thus a better quality government.

Not likely. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. And getting Americans to think is much harder and far less likely than ever getting a horse to drink. Remember this, thinking is not a natural necessity like water.

And believing that simply introducing people to the thoughts of philosophers will somehow generate some kind of thinking on their own is a useless fiction.

One of the scariest phenomena on American campuses is the new surge by right wing fanatics among the student population. These people have been radicalized to the point where any professor (without tenure) who steps out of line it condemned and is hounded until he or she either changes their ways or is fired. There are even right wing student groups who go around taping so-called liberal professors and use these tapes as evidence in bringing disciplinary actions against so-called liberal professors.

No; insanity hearings and lock-up is the only way to take care of the problem. And Bush just signed a bill today that makes all of this quite easy and it will enable others to turn his shit back on his followers as soon as we gain the power to do so. I cant wait to see the look on all the conservatives faces if someone takes over this country and starts hauling all them off to be incarcerated in Cuba indefinitely. I would start with Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter. They are both certainly terrorists. I would gladly give "hearsay" evidence citing their terrorist activities.
And believing that simply introducing people to the thoughts of philosophers will somehow generate some kind of thinking on their own is a useless fiction.

Philosophy isn't the personal opinions of people like Plato, Descartes and Wittgenstien.

Philosophy is the mechanism by which we understand the strength and validity of an argument.

Creating a philosophically literate population is to create a population who are capable of analysing the arguments politicians and others in power put to them.

Those who use power fear a philosophically literate population more than anything else, because it strips the emperor of his clothes.
And believing that simply introducing people to the thoughts of philosophers will somehow generate some kind of thinking on their own is a useless fiction.

Philosophy isn't the personal opinions of people like Plato, Descartes and Wittgenstien.

Philosophy is the mechanism by which we understand the strength and validity of an argument.

Creating a philosophically literate population is to create a population who are capable of analysing the arguments politicians and others in power put to them.

Those who use power fear a philosophically literate population more than anything else, because it strips the emperor of his clothes.

Fair enough! Whatever you call it; however you define it, thought requires the active participation of the thinker. That means people have to want to take an active role and give time to both learning about and understanding the various arguments of their various politicians. This requires a population that cares and has time to consume the arguments of politicians and others in the media. Then it requires a population that is willing to take the time to analyze those arguments in meaningful ways.

Whether or not they have learned the arguments of others or whether or not they have learned what constitutes good arguments by looking at the arguments of others is finally irrelevant. Most people in America haven't the time to pay attention to what Bush's arguments are let alone to analyse them to see whether or not they make any sense or not. But even if they did they would still have to have some knowledge of the truth of his claims and the truth with which to compare his numerous and daily lies. Such a project is under current conditions almost a full time job, and most people don't have the time to devote to such labor.

In short they believe what their media mavens tell them and go about doing what ever it was that they were doing. I still think the mental institutions have been overlooked for far too long.
Fair enough! Whatever you call it; however you define it, thought requires the active participation of the thinker. That means people have to want to take an active role and give time to both learning about and understanding the various arguments of their various politicians. This requires a population that cares and has time to consume the arguments of politicians and others in the media. Then it requires a population that is willing to take the time to analyze those arguments in meaningful ways.

People can be conditioned to think. It does require the political will to create such a thinking population and it is difficult when those in power prefer a sheep-like population. Consumerism is the main cause of the problem. It is used like prozac for the masses, keeping them happy with trinkets and baubles.

It will take some catastrophic event within a society for such an enlightenment to occur, simply because the population needs to be made to realise that they are being led like sheep.
Fair enough! Whatever you call it; however you define it, thought requires the active participation of the thinker. That means people have to want to take an active role and give time to both learning about and understanding the various arguments of their various politicians. This requires a population that cares and has time to consume the arguments of politicians and others in the media. Then it requires a population that is willing to take the time to analyze those arguments in meaningful ways.

People can be conditioned to think. It does require the political will to create such a thinking population and it is difficult when those in power prefer a sheep-like population. Consumerism is the main cause of the problem. It is used like prozac for the masses, keeping them happy with trinkets and baubles.

It will take some catastrophic event within a society for such an enlightenment to occur, simply because the population needs to be made to realise that they are being led like sheep.

This is a very condescending way of thinking about this, and I don't think you have it right anyway.

Consumerism is the boogeyman alright, and it gets blamed for everything by the left. And it probably deserves some of the blame. But it's certainly not the cause of the populace's disaffection from current events and politics.

In the US, wages have stagnated and so of course, real wages have gone down as inflation has risen. Health care costs are outrageous, and most of the middle class is aware they are one medical crisis away from complete financial devestation. There is no longer any such thing as job security. People work longer hours with less benefits and less vacation time.

Add to that already stressfull mix children. It takes two good incomes to raise them, or one incredible income. Most have to do it with two. So you have two parents both working fulltime, tired at the end of the day, trying to give whatever they have left in them to their children and still feeling guilty that it's not enough.

They are looking at a future of college costs that boggle the mind.

What time, or energy do they have to think about anything else?

And is any of this an accident? Perhaps the unions were "accidently' weakened.

I think that the average person has a lot more on their plate than going shopping at the mall.
Fair enough! Whatever you call it; however you define it, thought requires the active participation of the thinker. That means people have to want to take an active role and give time to both learning about and understanding the various arguments of their various politicians. This requires a population that cares and has time to consume the arguments of politicians and others in the media. Then it requires a population that is willing to take the time to analyze those arguments in meaningful ways.

People can be conditioned to think. It does require the political will to create such a thinking population and it is difficult when those in power prefer a sheep-like population. Consumerism is the main cause of the problem. It is used like prozac for the masses, keeping them happy with trinkets and baubles.

It will take some catastrophic event within a society for such an enlightenment to occur, simply because the population needs to be made to realise that they are being led like sheep.

Consumerism is part of the problem, but there are so many opiates that Marx wouldn't know where to begin today. I think that there are many things that take people's minds off the political situation. Some of it is a result of consumerism, but there is also entertainment, in the form of books, films, music, sports, and other kinds of enducemnts including such things as enjoying nature. Marx and his heirs have made much of the noton of a "crisis" as that moment when the opportunity to create something new and better presents itself. But as the album cover for the rock 'n' roll band that produced "Crisis? What crisis?" demonstrated most people are too self-absorbed to even be aware of a crisis. And there in lies the rub!!!
You are right, people wallow in many opiates today.

But I'm more of an optimist than you. We are involved in a mini-dark ages, represented by the resurrection of religion out of the age of reason. Just as we rose out of the medieval dark ages into the enlightenment, just as the Greek dark ages rose into the era of Socrates and Plato, we will rise out of this again.

It just needs enough people to put out memes and a catastrophic event to shake people out of their opiate slumber...
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Sneaky Martians, coming to take our freedoms... Bastages.

Of course, when the meteor comes I'd rather be prepared. An ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure....
Damo ... see what you initiated? You brought Marxist faction out in the open. Very good.

Prakosh says "One of the scariest phenomena on American campuses is the new surge by right wing fanatics.. "

I ask this...as an alternative to what? Left wing fanatics? Is it written in the campus Bible that all students must follow left wing ideology or they will be shunned as outcasts?

he then he goes on to say .... "No; insanity hearings and lock-up is the only way to take care of the problem."

reminds me of the old song ... "Walk this way"
He's a fucking psycho, and should be locked up with John Karr for about fifty years. And all the fools who voted for this son-of-a-bitch ought to be forced to undergo serious psychological evaluations to see what makes them tick; and they should be divided into two groups; those who have come to their senses on there own should be given some sort of out-patient treatment to make sure they don't experience a relapse; while the incurables should be committed until they can demonstrate to a team of mental professionals that they have regained some semblence of sanity.

I know you guys don't believe in this shit, but ....he is the antichrist, spelled out to the T in prophesy....the Christians following him are following a false christianity that we were told would come....they are following the "beast" of Revelation 13....the antichrist/false prophet that rules the world with deceit, mind control, boldness, arrogance, the master of deceit, the "king" of the most powerful country in the world that ever existed, the destroyer, the liar.....all names describing this asshole in my opinion...


Of course, besides me and my husband, there is no one else out there that sees the true resemblence of him to the antichrist ruler's description in the Bible, but so help me goodness, it is him.....imo. :(.

the Christians following him are following a false christianity that we were told would come....

Have you ever heard of the 'no true Scotsman' defence, Care4?

"No true Scotsman is a term coined by Antony Flew in his 1975 book Thinking About Thinking. It refers to an argument which takes this form:

Argument: "No Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
Reply: "But my uncle Angus likes sugar with his porridge."
Rebuttal: "Ah yes, but no true Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge."
This form of argument is a fallacy if the predicate ("putting sugar on porridge") is not actually contradictory for the accepted definition of the subject ("Scotsman"), or if the definition of the subject is silently adjusted after the fact to make the rebuttal work.

I see the resemblance as described in the bible. but do not believe in the antichrist, or the christ. sorry, and hope you are right about your beliefs in Christ.