Bush Is Responsible for 9-11 Tragedy


Senior Member
This story goes a long way toward explaining why the attacks of 9-11 were not intercepted and why the terrorists were successful in destroying the World Trade Center. As the American Progress story demonstrates, Ashcroft and others had curtailed use of American Airliners because of the threat of hijackings. There was plenty of evidence that something was coming but instead of ratcheting up security Bush decided to demolish the jobs of those who were watching the terrorists. And now his friends at Disney want to put the blame on Clinton. Liars sure will lie for each other.

Why 9/11 happened: Bush curtailed Operation CATCHERS MITT

Mon Sep 11, 2006 at 07:51:17 AM PDT

The Bush Administration cancelled or cut back Operation CATCHERS MITT, the highly classified ongoing CIA and FBI operation that tracked al-Qaeda operatives known to be inside the U.S. during the summer of 2001. This was done without notifying the existing counter-terrorism policy board in Washington, then headed by Richard Clarke, a Clinton holdover.

This fatal decision by Bush's national security staff was part of the planned revamping of the Clinton counter-terrorism program, and ongoing operations were put on hold or cut off entirely while Rice and Hadley worked with CIA Director Tenet on the Administration's new al-Qaeda strategy.

The Bush Administration's axing of Catchers Mitt was revealed in a single article in Newsweek on March 21, 2004 which was never followed-up on. A press release highlighting Catchers Mitt was scrubbed from the publication's website. That report was, fortunately, noted on April 2nd by American Progress.

Full Story with an interview excerpt and lots of additional details.
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