Bush = Liar


Junior Member
In a speech yesterday, GWB said that it was his and the governments fault that the federal response to the hurricane was slow and inadequate.

Was Bush lying again?
If that's what he said, then no. That is the truth. It was his admin's fault.
What do you mean by "required"? If I knew that many people were going to be displaced in a city that size, I think its part of his job description to expedite aid and help and to personally make sure that the gov't is doing what it needs to do in a timely manner. I don't think he did what was "required" of a president and its administration to make sure people weren't dying from heat exhaustion, getting food and water and substantial shelter.
No, he is a liar. He did everything he was required to do in a timely efficient manner.
Well he must be. Because he never admits any faults, right? No regrets and no fault, the buck stops nowhere near his desk according to his detractors. He also cannot speak a lick of truth so it must be a lie and everything was handled well from the Federal POV...

So now that we realize that Bush can't speak truth, it must be that somebody else was actually at fault...

He handled everything perfectly. Now he is just lying and saying he nd the feds didn't do their job. Wow what a scumbag.
What do you mean by "required"? If I knew that many people were going to be displaced in a city that size, I think its part of his job description to expedite aid and help and to personally make sure that the gov't is doing what it needs to do in a timely manner. I don't think he did what was "required" of a president and its administration to make sure people weren't dying from heat exhaustion, getting food and water and substantial shelter.

But Mayor Willy Wonka is totally exempt from any blame.. correct?