Bush made a deal, Gonzalez for war support!


Well-known member
I have a theory that Congressional Republicans conserned for future election prospects have cut a deal with Bush.

Bush gave them Gonzalez in exchange for a group of them continueing to support his war effort in Iraq. In early September (after the Petraus Report) there is a push comming to end this war! There are marches planned in Washington, D.C. and groups are already mobilizing. There is a fight planned in Congress.

Bush has shorn up what support he can muster by giving them Gonzalez.
I have a theory that Congressional Republicans conserned for future election prospects have cut a deal with Bush.

Bush gave them Gonzalez in exchange for a group of them continueing to support his war effort in Iraq. In early September (after the Petraus Report) there is a push comming to end this war! There are marches planned in Washington, D.C. and groups are already mobilizing. There is a fight planned in Congress.

Bush has shorn up what support he can muster by giving them Gonzalez.

I don't think gonzalez matters.

I've been saying ever since the surge began, that outside of a few republicans, GOP senators and congresspersons will be unable to let go of their man-love for Bush. They'll support him to the bitter end on Iraq. Christ, look at all the GOP prez candidates who (outside of Ron Paul) are practically blowing Bush and agreeing with him fundamentally on Iraq.
I don't think gonzalez matters.

I've been saying ever since the surge began, that outside of a few republicans, GOP senators and congresspersons will be unable to let go of their man-love for Bush. They'll support him to the bitter end on Iraq. Christ, look at all the GOP prez candidates who (outside of Ron Paul) are practically blowing Bush and agreeing with him fundamentally on Iraq.

I cant wait till the first presidental debate when they ask...

Do you still support President GW Bush's decision to go into Iraq?

Do you support staying in Iraq?

What is your exit stragety for Iraq?
This is a link to KOAT-TV in Albuquerque. Included in the spot is an interview with David Iglesias, the US Attorney that says he was fired because he did not rush his investigation into some democrat's wrong doing so that it hit the news BEFORE the election.


I can't help but agree that this is a good day for justice in america. But too little to late.
I have a theory that Congressional Republicans conserned for future election prospects have cut a deal with Bush.

Bush gave them Gonzalez in exchange for a group of them continueing to support his war effort in Iraq. In early September (after the Petraus Report) there is a push comming to end this war! There are marches planned in Washington, D.C. and groups are already mobilizing. There is a fight planned in Congress.

Bush has shorn up what support he can muster by giving them Gonzalez.
I doubt that, but it is definitely possible.
I cant wait till the first presidental debate when they ask...

Do you still support President GW Bush's decision to go into Iraq?

Do you support staying in Iraq?

What is your exit stragety for Iraq?

You already know the answer to that. We see it parroted on message boards routinely.

Outside of Ron Paul, the candidates will offer some mealy-mouthed answer about how Bush just didn't execute the war properly. They will NEVER say that invading iraq was a mistake of historic proportions in the first place.
You already know the answer to that. We see it parroted on message boards routinely.

Outside of Ron Paul, the candidates will offer some mealy-mouthed answer about how Bush just didn't execute the war properly. They will NEVER say that invading iraq was a mistake of historic proportions in the first place.

I think Obama would, and were his name not Barak Hussen Obama I suspect he would get the chance.