Bush, Musharraf: We're working together


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President Bush says he was surprised by a report that a U.S. official threatened the United States would attack Pakistan if it did not help immediately after 9/11. "I was taken aback by the harshness of the words," Bush said at a joint White House news conference with Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf.

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So who believes Musharraf when he said his head intelligence officer was told by deputy defense secretary Armitage that Pakistan would be BOMBED IN TO THE STONE AGE if they did not cooperate with the USA....

btw, that sure does not sound like a guy that is some peacenik that the repubs are trying to spin about him regarding "no reason for armitage to leak Plame's name" crapola....while he is a PNAC signatory.... :(
So far, Musharraf has not said that. I'll await for the actual story rather than speculation and non-confirmation.
So far, Musharraf has not said that. I'll await for the actual story rather than speculation and non-confirmation.

Its already been confirmed. Musharaff said it on 60 Minutes, which the except were he said that has already been aired. I saw it last night.
I'll give y'all benefit of the doubt...

I believe it could have been stated, but never on paper. There will be no evidence.
Notice that Bush didn't deny it at all, just taken aback by the harshness of it, isn't this the guy who was running around saying we are going to get bin Laden "Dead or Alive" and we were going to bomb the Taliban "back to the Stone Age" maybe the wires got crossed and Armitage thought he was talking to the Taliban instead of the Pakistanis. It's fairly easy to see how that could happen, what with all the excitement surrounding the rush to war and all the preparations and other considerations that had to be made. And of course, Musharraf didn't deny it, did he??? He said "buy my book," and "on the advise of my publisher, I must remain silent about it," which only made Bush so nervous he started making jokes about it. Which is as I have already noted is what he does when he gets nervous, so I think it was all a big mistake and it will all be unravelled as soon as a good cover story can be concocted. But I'm not believeing that old peacnik Richie ever said this, not our Richie..
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I'll give y'all benefit of the doubt...

I believe it could have been stated, but never on paper. There will be no evidence.
It was stated and the statement is not being denied by either side. They're claiming that Musharraf's forthcoming book will make it more clear.

Sounds to me as if they're trying to distract the media from it, frankly.
It was stated and the statement is not being denied by either side. They're claiming that Musharraf's forthcoming book will make it more clear.

Sounds to me as if they're trying to distract the media from it, frankly.
LOL. It depends entirely on what the book says... It would be ridiculous to "distract" them to a book that says exactly what they don't want it to...
LOL. It depends entirely on what the book says... It would be ridiculous to "distract" them to a book that says exactly what they don't want it to...
Damo, he said it on CBS. Live and in color, as they used to put it. They can't deny the statement any longer: that feline has flown the fabric enclosure. Now, after the fact, they're trying to deflect further inquiry by means of the "wait for the book" dodge.
It may be that I expect the person who makes the claim to bring the link...


In other words, dance with the one who brought you.
Ah, but there is such a thing as "common knowledge" after all.

I thought is was common knowledge too. The 60 minutes excerpt with Musharaff saying that, have been all over cable news and the internet.

Perhaps Fox News and Drudge Report haven't informed their readers?