Bush orders a truckload fo veto pens.


Villified User
Wow a veto threat on the bill that would allow us to negotiate lower prescription med prices like any other large customer.

It is my money for medicine and I want to keep it!
If you want true lower prices then work with people to do something about the illegal immigration problem.

People think that these are not related, but they are seriously mistaken. Ask the LA hospitals that closed because of the Executive Order...
Wow a veto threat on the bill that would allow us to negotiate lower prescription med prices like any other large customer.

It is my money for medicine and I want to keep it!

Allowing Medicare to bargain for prices is emminently sensible. Everyone else on the planet bargains for drug prices - the VA, private employers, State and Local governments.

I can't think of a single, rational reason why anyone would oppose this.
Pharma is lobbying hard not to okay this....

What the heck is wrong with these people that oppose it?

and what about a free market place, why do repubs lie so much?
Why does the US gummit keep stomping on those who go for cheaper prescription drugs in Canada and mexico ?

Simple, the drug manufacturers pays them big bucks to do it.
Allowing Medicare to bargain for prices is emminently sensible. Everyone else on the planet bargains for drug prices - the VA, private employers, State and Local governments.

I can't think of a single, rational reason why anyone would oppose this.
Nor can I. It not only makes sense, it clearly will save money without raising a cent of taxes or enforcing a law on the States. Just another sign that the Rs are getting even further from the actual Economic Conservative base than ever.