Bush renews immigration bill call


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Bush renews immigration bill call

US President George W Bush has again stressed the need for agreement in Washington on immigration reform.

Visiting a border post in Arizona, Mr Bush said the US needed a system that secured its frontiers while honouring its history as a nation of immigrants.

President Bush said he believed the atmosphere was conducive to agreement in the Democratic-led Congress.

Mr Bush's past attempts at immigration reform have been thwarted, partly by opponents in his own Republican party.

The president's policy aims to tighten border security while offering illegal immigrants already within the US the status of guest-workers.

But conservative critics of his plans say the guest-worker programme amounts to an amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Meanwhile, Hispanic and immigrants rights groups have attacked Mr Bush's efforts to tighten border security.
"The number of people apprehended for illegally crossing our southern border is down by nearly 30% this year," he said.


So did we catch 30% less or did 30% less try to come over ?
Or some other combination of both ?
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It cracks me up when they protest measures to curb illegal immigration. Apparently there was another protest in LA over the weekend. I think its clear they will only be happy if we had completely unchecked and open borders.
It's only because they stumble accidentally upon them. 30% less aren't crossing. You can watch the video taken by some of the cameras on our "electric border" of streams of illegals crossing. It is estimated that approx. 10K cross per week.

I have noticed that Bush has gone from "Jobs that Americans WON'T do" to "Jobs that Americans AREN'T doing". I'd like to tell him, that they AREN'T doing them because the job is filled already... by somebody other than an American.
Yeah Damo it was awful at those plants that got raided, they actually had to pay legal workers more money as well...
Let the market decide on wages as well as prices, don't undercut the labor market with illegal workers.