Bush should have waited a day to give speech


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White House Iraq Benchmark Report to Congress Says Little Political Progress Shown

WASHINGTON — The White House told Congress Friday that Iraqi leaders have gained little new ground toward meeting key military and political goals, a discouraging assessment a day after President Bush said that progress justifies a large continued U.S. military presence there.


That speech was so at odds with reality...
I think bush should have done a "Top Gun" landing on another Carrier, to deliver all the wonderful news about Anbar province, or whatever the hell it was.
I think bush should have done a "Top Gun" landing on another Carrier, to deliver all the wonderful news about Anbar province, or whatever the hell it was.

Ooooh...be still my heart!

That flight suit really brings out the "ga ga" Bush groupie in conservatives like O'Reilly...
White House Iraq Benchmark Report to Congress Says Little Political Progress Shown

WASHINGTON — The White House told Congress Friday that Iraqi leaders have gained little new ground toward meeting key military and political goals, a discouraging assessment a day after President Bush said that progress justifies a large continued U.S. military presence there.


That speech was so at odds with reality...

Now Lorax, you know the golden Liberal rule, you can't trust Faux News.
Now Lorax, you know the golden Liberal rule, you can't trust Faux News.

True; good thing this is being widely reported.

But hey, wars don't last forever, and don't kill THAT many people in the scheme of things. Not like something as evil as Social Security...