Bush' STAY HOME on 9/11 no need for you to go to any observations.


Junior Member
most americans blame you for it...

i mean if i thought someone was responsible for killing my family member i wouldn't want them to show their face around me

Asked whether they blame the Bush administration for the attacks, 45 percent said either a "great deal" or a "moderate amount," up from 32 percent in a June 2002 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

BTW - According to the most recent reports more than half do not believe that Bush was responsible...

Personally I think that there was 19 hijackers and some planners resonsible... But what do I know? I figure that the person who did the deed is usually responsible.
I am genuinely suprised that very many at all believe Bush was responsible.
If I call dixie a twerp and he bezerks out and kills someone because I called him a twerp, am I responsible for the death ?
BTW, I think this is a classic example of why we can't believe the polls. No one in their right mind blames Bush for 9/11. If ANY President is responsible, it is Clinton, and I don't even hold him completely responsible. This poll was obviously conducted by liberals with an agenda, like most of the bogus polls are, and it's designed to make idiots think like the rest of the liberal idiots, and nothing more.
hmmmmm....you don't know that and can NOT say that....Timothy Mcveigh was not Islamic was he? but he was still a fanatic....and he used a bomb to terrorize us.
Sure I can, at least with respect to 9-11
MoHAMmed is to blame - no Islam no fanatical bombers

Surely you jest.

The world has plenty of fanatical Hindu and Christian bombers.

From anti-muslim Hindu extremists in India, to Irish and Basque separatist christians, to christian abortion clinic bombers.
hmmmmm....you don't know that and can NOT say that....Timothy Mcveigh was not Islamic was he? but he was still a fanatic....and he used a bomb to terrorize us.

Surely you jest.

The world has plenty of fanatical Hindu and Christian bombers.

From anti-muslim Hindu extremists in India, to Irish and Basque separatist christians, to christian abortion clinic bombers.

True enough, but I never heard of an IRA suicide bomber.
LOL, bring it on skull head ;)

Well see, you are proving my point... If I were to actually hunt you down and put a bullet through your punk head, people would point to this thread and say.... Well, uscitizen DID say, "bring it on", I guess he got what he asked for! So, indeed, if you antagonized me to the point of killing you, it would be your own fault.
Well see, you are proving my point... If I were to actually hunt you down and put a bullet through your punk head, people would point to this thread and say.... Well, uscitizen DID say, "bring it on", I guess he got what he asked for! So, indeed, if you antagonized me to the point of killing you, it would be your own fault.

You are of course assuming that I would be the one with the bullet thru the head ;)
I suppose to be fatal an ass shot would be needed for you.
No people would still blow themselves up even without religion. All you have to do is brainwash someone into any ideaology and they can do such things. You can convince people that you are such an important person or that your ideology is so great that people will die for it.

Religion is just an effect of something that is inherent in man. Religion is but a vehicle for its expression remove it and you find zealoutry elsewhere. Look at Communist societies that have outlawed religion are there societies any more just, stable or non-violent? No.