Bush takes responsiblity for election loses


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President Bush on Wednesday took responsibility for his party's loses on Election Night and said he is willing to work with congressional Democrats on the major issues during the last two years of his presidency.</img>

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President Bush on Wednesday took responsibility for his party's loses on Election Night and said he is willing to work with congressional Democrats on the major issues during the last two years of his presidency.</img>

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i think the question is " are the dems willin to work with bush?"
Shoot the mesenger..say what?

President Bush on Wednesday took responsibility for his party's loses on Election Night and said he is willing to work with congressional Democrats on the major issues during the last two years of his presidency.</img>

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OMG are you the only messenger of this news...I think not...all over the internet and MSM...good Lord Dude a identity complex here or what?;)
OMG are you the only messenger of this news...I think not...all over the internet and MSM...good Lord Dude a identity complex here or what?;)

you talking about a bot... not a person... just thought id que you in on that