Bush thanks American Idol viewers


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Bush Thanks "Idol" Viewers
Commander-In-Chief Jokes About Own Singing And Dancing

LOS ANGELES, May 2, 2007

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush. (CBS)
(AP) President Bush and his wife, Laura, thanked "American Idol" viewers for helping raise $70 million during last week's charity special, "Idol Gives Back."

The money will help impoverished children living in the United States and Africa.

"We thank 'American Idol' viewers who have shown the good heart of America," the president said, in a taped appearance. "We thank you for distracting the american people from the war in Iraq"

Here's a link to the actual story:


And a bit of the story itself:

(AP) President Bush and his wife, Laura, thanked "American Idol" viewers for helping raise $70 million during last week's charity special, "Idol Gives Back."

The money will help impoverished children living in the United States and Africa.

"We thank 'American Idol' viewers who have shown the good heart of America," the president said, in a taped appearance. "We thank all the celebrities who participated, including Bono, and all the contestants who sang their hearts out for these children."

He then turned to the first lady and asked: "Say Laura, you think I ought to sing something?"