Bush = Thorn in my @$$


JPP Modarater
He coming to the garden state and every major highway is going to be blocked during rush hour. What an a-hole.

I hope they have some nice dry pretzels for that slimy stupid SOB.
LOL oh one pretzel came so close to saving this country from........Oh wait Then Dick would be running the country.

Is there anyone who knows anything about medical companies with faulty heart stints?
He coming to the garden state and every major highway is going to be blocked during rush hour. What an a-hole.

I hope they have some nice dry pretzels for that slimy stupid SOB.

Can't Bush just use Governor Corzine's driver, and blast through there quickly at 90 miles per hour, to minimize delays?
LOL oh one pretzel came so close to saving this country from........Oh wait Then Dick would be running the country.

Is there anyone who knows anything about medical companies with faulty heart stints?

LOL so true.
"He coming to the garden state and every major highway is going to be blocked during rush hour. What an a-hole.

I hope they have some nice dry pretzels for that slimy stupid SOB."

Big deal... we have to deal with with the DNC come convention time next year. You get one bad politician in town... we get a whole city full. NOT NICE.
Good point super. You might be lucky if god does not turn Denver into another Sodom , with all those satanic persons there.
"He coming to the garden state and every major highway is going to be blocked during rush hour. What an a-hole.

I hope they have some nice dry pretzels for that slimy stupid SOB."

Big deal... we have to deal with with the DNC come convention time next year. You get one bad politician in town... we get a whole city full. NOT NICE.
The Libertarians are holding their convention there about the same time too...

Denver is in for some fun this year.
"Good point super. You might be lucky if god does not turn Denver into another Sodom , with all those satanic persons there."

I am thinking I will not be in town during the convention. There was enough congestion the last time Edwards was here on his own. I don't even want to think what it will be like with the whole lot here.
yeah I spent most of the weekend working on assorted stuff. Got in one afternoons visiting though.
Didn't go to the VA on the Memorial day weekend, plenty of activity there last anyway, It was full of ones like those who only go to church on Easter or christmas.
I will go back next Sunday.