Bush to Poppy Bush's Foreign Policy Advisors: "HELP!"


Will work for Scooby snacks
The Cheney, Bush Junior, Conidi "foreign policy" philosophy is about to be thrown under the bus:

Bipartisan commission, headed by Poppy Bush's Secretary of State formed to recommend a new Iraq policy:

"It's got to be hard-nosed," Baker said. "It's got to be determined. You don't give away anything, but in my view it is not appeasement to talk to your enemies."

Bush always looks for advice and makes a decision. Nothing new there. And I would guess they will stick to the stay the course agenda but may adjust tactics. The coarse is right and the way to win the war.
I seriously doubt that Bush asked for help. According to the story they'll "take it seriously" but haven't said they would enact anything at all.
Bush went crying to pappy to bail him out ?

I don't think the stubborn Junior asked Poppy for help, all on his own.

I think, behind closed doors, the old-guard leadership of the republican party told Junior he better ask Poppy's advisors for help, or else the republican party is going to crash and burn in 2008.
Might be too late Cypress, bush has stayed the course too long and their crash is probably inevitable in 2008.
Might be too late Cypress, bush has stayed the course too long and their crash is probably inevitable in 2008.

Yeah, its probably a fig leaf to make it look like Junior is hard a "work" at finding a solution to iraq. This should have been done years ago, and if history is a guide, Junior is going to stick with the Cheney/Rice foreign policy approach.