Bush to veto essential funding for our troops!


Well-known member
The United States Sennate has passed a funding bill to support the troops in Iraq.

Bush says he will veto it. Why wont he support our troops? He sent them to war, and now refuses to allow the congress to support them with funds?

BTW, the funding has a guideline for withdraw, and this is why Bush says he will veto it. Im just using the Republican logic that they used against John Kerry!
I can't believe Bush is going to cut off funding for our troops and let them starve in the field.

Why, it only seems like yesterday that Bush fans complained about John Kerry's 2004 vote against "funding the troops"
It also has provisions attached that would negate the entry of Mexican trucks past the 20 mile limit.

Most people are unaware of the fact that in about 38 days largely unregulated Mexican trucks will be on our highways with no limits as to where and when they travel. At the same time the Mexican Gov't still refuses to allow US trucks into their nation more than their 20 or so mile limit.
The United States Sennate has passed a funding bill to support the troops in Iraq.

Bush says he will veto it. Why wont he support our troops? He sent them to war, and now refuses to allow the congress to support them with funds?

BTW, the funding has a guideline for withdraw, and this is why Bush says he will veto it. Im just using the Republican logic that they used against John Kerry!

don't you just love it when one sides tactics are used right back against them , but like battling terrorism we have to be careful that we do not become the enemy ;)
It also has provisions attached that would negate the entry of Mexican trucks past the 20 mile limit.

Most people are unaware of the fact that in about 38 days largely unregulated Mexican trucks will be on our highways with no limits as to where and when they travel. At the same time the Mexican Gov't still refuses to allow US trucks into their nation more than their 20 or so mile limit.

What's the problem if it is good for the profit of US business it is good for the country right ?
Also included in the bill is funding for the political conventions 100 mil or so.
Mayor Hickenlooper will be panicked, Denver can't afford that much by itself!


I too hate bills where they continuously attach crap to the bill like this.
If the dems are smart they will milk the "anti-troop" votes for as much as they can in the next election as much as the republicans did.
It also has provisions attached that would negate the entry of Mexican trucks past the 20 mile limit.

Most people are unaware of the fact that in about 38 days largely unregulated Mexican trucks will be on our highways with no limits as to where and when they travel. At the same time the Mexican Gov't still refuses to allow US trucks into their nation more than their 20 or so mile limit.

It's also a fact that trucks from California are currently ALL AROUND our nation! They are completely unregulated and we have no idea where they will head. What will we do? They might be carrying nukes!
Also included in the bill is funding for the political conventions 100 mil or so.

The Republicans and Democrats have routinely attached such funding to major parties (defined in subsection C as a party who has more the 30% of the vote in presidentail elecitons and can get 10 million signatures (unless they already are defined as a "major party)). It's very useful. 50 million for a 4 day long advertisement, and they don't even have to pay for it.
It's also a fact that trucks from California are currently ALL AROUND our nation! They are completely unregulated and we have no idea where they will head. What will we do? They might be carrying nukes!
Not true, trucks from California are heavily regulated, as well as the truck drivers who drive them.
Well, anyway Damo, obviously the troop withdrawal would be a large enough factor in any bill that he would veto any bill.

If congressman want to get something honestly passed, they should pass that as a bill. They shouldn't tack it on to some other UNRELATED bill so that they can ride and cheat there way into making a law.
It also has provisions attached that would negate the entry of Mexican trucks past the 20 mile limit.

Most people are unaware of the fact that in about 38 days largely unregulated Mexican trucks will be on our highways with no limits as to where and when they travel. At the same time the Mexican Gov't still refuses to allow US trucks into their nation more than their 20 or so mile limit.

Umm the 38 days are not up....

Traffic stop leads to record drug seizure, two arrests

A traffic stop Monday on Interstate 65 led to one of the largest cocaine seizures in state history.

Fifty-one kilograms — or 112 pounds — of cocaine were seized from a tractor-trailer.

On Monday night, a Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement officer pulled over the semi in Simpson County, where it was speeding in a work zone. A drug-detection dog located the cocaine. The drugs are valued at a little more than $1.5 million, according to a Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement news release.

Francisco J. Delacruz, 35, and Humberto Contreras, 36, were arrested and charged with drug trafficking.

Both men were being held by the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, according to the release.

The cocaine seizure is the largest in Kentucky Vehicle Enforcement history and the second-largest from a traffic stop in state history.


That doesn't count. I'm sure by "truck" he meant full sized, commercial trucks. Also, it doesn't matter where it came from, it can always be pulled over for drug charges.

That doesn't count. I'm sure by "truck" he meant full sized, commercial trucks. Also, it doesn't matter where it came from, it can always be pulled over for drug charges.

Fifty-one kilograms — or 112 pounds — of cocaine were seized from a tractor-trailer.

That doesn't count. I'm sure by "truck" he meant full sized, commercial trucks. Also, it doesn't matter where it came from, it can always be pulled over for drug charges.
Actually, these trucks will delivering goods across the nation and will be sealed and cannot be opened by local authorities without a warrant. So, no, they can't just pull these trucks over for drugs and inspect them at will.