Bush Tries To Scare The Uk


Junior Member
But they are too smart for Bush. They know the terrorist won't hurt any Brits! LOL

>During a speech about the CIA programme, President George Bush said information from those held had "helped stop a plot to hijack passenger planes and fly them into Heathrow or Canary Wharf in London".

Bin al-Shibh was said to have been a would-be 9/11 hijacker who fled Afghanistan after the overthrow of the Taliban in late 2001 and headed to Karachi.

There, he and Mohammed worked on "follow-on plots against the West, particularly the Heathrow plot", the US document said.

He was captured in 2002.

The statement continued: "He was tasked by KSM [Mohammed] to recruit operatives in Saudi Arabia for an attack on Heathrow Airport, and as of his capture, Bin al-Shibh had identified four operatives for the operation."
