Bush: U.S. troops are 'plenty smart'


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President Bush joined GOP lawmakers in blasting Sen. John Kerry for telling a group of college students they could either work hard in school or "get stuck in Iraq." Kerry has said the remark was a "botched joke," but Bush nonetheless called it "insulting and shameful." </img>

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and mccain is being a partisan ass....he can't be trusted, just like the other lot of republicans....but we should have learned that lesson already... :(
Funnier still is that Kerry did NOT do well in school and fought in Nam. Somebody should tell him that just because he is a dumbass doesn't make others in the military like that.
Well personally I think Kerry was a dumbass to enlist for Nam anyway. Another stupid useless war.....
I also find it funny that a person who had a better grade point average than him at the same school is supposedly the one that is "uneducated" in his spin.
Well perhaps uneducated is the wrong word for Bush, Stupid would be more accurate. You can be educated and still stupid.
ANY and US agree with Kerry that the troops are stupid and uneducated. OH Wait Kerry has flipped flopped and doesn't think that now. He has already cut and run.
I stated my thoughts on how many in the military were pretty much uneducated.
My thoughts are based on experience.
I really did not think the republicans would still have the gall to use the cut and run mantra after what Bush has done. But then I guess they repubs must have origionally came from Gall ;)