Bush urges Senate to pass detainee bill


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WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush urged the Senate on Thursday to follow the House lead and approve a White House plan for detaining and interrogating terrorism suspects, saying, "The American people need to know we're working together to win the war on terror."

Bush met in the Capitol with Senate Republicans the day after the House passed the legislation that Republicans likely will use on the campaign trail to assert that Democrats want to coddle terrorists.

"People shouldn't forget there's still an enemy out there that wants to do harm to the United States," Bush told reporters after the closed-door meeting.

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LOL. I predicted that the left would be all over McCain's "compromise" even after celebrating it...
Not me, if you will recall I said I would wait to see how "the compromise" turned out Damo. It appears that there was no compromise at all, just smoke and mirrors. another strike against McCain as far as I am concerned. If he had won the primary against Bush I would have voted for him.