Bush Wants War


Well-known member
Bush is disowning the NIE, apparently thinking he knows better than the consensus conclusion of all of america's intelligence agencies on Iran's nuclear program

But in private conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last week, the president all but disowned the (NIE) document, said a senior administration official who accompanied Bush on his six-nation trip to the Mideast. "He told the Israelis that he can't control what the intelligence community says, but that [the NIE's] conclusions don't reflect his own views"


BushCo ginned up and exaggerted the "threat" from a handful of unarmed Iranian speedboats.

Bush keeps exaggerating the Iranian government's involvement in arming the insurgency in iraq with IEDs.

This mofo wants a war, and he's going to grab a reason - any reason - he can, to get it.
Deja vu, all over again.

That pretty much sums it up as far as Bush's m.o. goes: the facts & "his views" rarely go hand in hand.

What a joke; I can't imagine thinking that way. Less than a year away now.....
Deja vu, all over again.

That pretty much sums it up as far as Bush's m.o. goes: the facts & "his views" rarely go hand in hand.

What a joke; I can't imagine thinking that way. Less than a year away now.....

Deja vu is a perfect metaphor. They're looking for a "reason". Just like Wolfowitz said way back when, that they finally settled on "WMD", because that's the reason they could sell an iraq war to america
Deja vu is a perfect metaphor. They're looking for a "reason". Just like Wolfowitz said way back when, that they finally settled on "WMD", because that's the reason they could sell an iraq war to america

Yeah, and the reason now has nothing to do with actually having a nuclear weapon or even a nuclear weapons program. The reason that bush views as sufficient causus belli is that Iran must be prevented from having the knowledge necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. Basically, Bush wants to attack Iran over physics.
Nope same as Iraq, oil and money to route towards his asshole buddies.

Plus the idiot thinks it makes him look tough.
Bush really is a warmonger.

The thing that has always been most striking about Bush is his lack of intellectual curiosity. He has even spoken about how he really doesn't think about things too much, and his supporters seem to love this simplicity in a President.

There is a complete lack of creative thinking out of this admin as a result, on an issue that absolutely demands creative thinking, and ways of approaching the problem that break from a traditional, shoot-first-ask-questions-later mindset.

It's a real shame. I hope Bush is remembered in the worst possible way.
Yeah, and the reason now has nothing to do with actually having a nuclear weapon or even a nuclear weapons program. The reason that bush views as sufficient causus belli is that Iran must be prevented from having the knowledge necessary to produce a nuclear weapon. Basically, Bush wants to attack Iran over physics.

I remember that press conference, and I remember almost spitting out my coffee when bush changed his reason from Iran having a nuclear weapons program, to them having the "knowledge" to have a nuclear weapons program. And that was before the NIE came out, so bush was obviously telegraphing a change in the way he was going to sell his war.
I remember that press conference, and I remember almost spitting out my coffee when bush changed his reason from Iran having a nuclear weapons program, to them having the "knowledge" to have a nuclear weapons program. And that was before the NIE came out, so bush was obviously telegraphing a change in the way he was going to sell his war.

Knowledge is power, but so is ignorance, sometimes. Apparently.
Gulf Prankster Possible Message Source

Jan 14, 1:30 PM (ET)

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - A threatening radio message at the end of a video showing Iranian patrol boats swarming near U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf may have come from a prankster rather than from the Iranian vessels, the Navy Times newspaper has reported.
However, the Navy Times, a weekly newspaper published by the Gannett company, quoted several veteran sailors as speculating the transmission could have come from a radio heckler, widely known among mariners by the ethnically insulting term "the Filipino Monkey."
The newspaper, which serves the Navy community, said U.S. sailors in the Persian Gulf have heard the prankster - possibly more than one person - transmitting "insults and jabbering vile epithets" on unencrypted frequencies.

Bush really is a warmonger.

The thing that has always been most striking about Bush is his lack of intellectual curiosity. He has even spoken about how he really doesn't think about things too much, and his supporters seem to love this simplicity in a President.

There is a complete lack of creative thinking out of this admin as a result, on an issue that absolutely demands creative thinking, and ways of approaching the problem that break from a traditional, shoot-first-ask-questions-later mindset.

It's a real shame. I hope Bush is remembered in the worst possible way.

Well, he certainly will be by the surviving loved ones of all of the people he has killed, and all of the people he is going to kill when he bombs Iran. He might nuke them. Since I have learned this week that these maniacs never change their minds (I actually thought that unfolding events in that area had taken an Iranian attack off the table) we need to keep in mind they wanted to nuke this country, and that includes John McCain. This means that they still want to.

Let me tell you who I don’t believe would nuke Iran:

Every Democrat running
Mitt Romney

Other than that I am unsure about Huckabee, but McCain will nuke them, if he gets the chance…I think bushcheney are going to nuke them first.
Well, he certainly will be by the surviving loved ones of all of the people he has killed, and all of the people he is going to kill when he bombs Iran. He might nuke them. Since I have learned this week that these maniacs never change their minds (I actually thought that unfolding events in that area had taken an Iranian attack off the table) we need to keep in mind they wanted to nuke this country, and that includes John McCain. This means that they still want to.

Let me tell you who I don’t believe would nuke Iran:

Every Democrat running
Mitt Romney

Other than that I am unsure about Huckabee, but McCain will nuke them, if he gets the chance…I think bushcheney are going to nuke them first.

OH my god. Darla likes Romney. Now I know the end is near.
Oh, f*ck yeah: some of the repukes are on record saying that they are contemplating using tactical nukes on iran.

I don't believe for a second that any of the leading Dems candidates will nuke iran, although they may be quite hawkish towards the iranians. This is one area where I reject with extreme prejudice, the assertions that Hillary will be "just like" McCain or Gulliani on iran.
hillary would nuke em 2. shes already talking about invading Pakistan.

Sane people don't nuke countries that aren't threatening to attack us, and have no capability to do us significant harm.

Clinton and Obama are sane. Say what you want about them being Hawks, and pro-NAFTA corporate dems. But, they're sane. I look in Guilliani's eyes, in Huckabee's eyes, in Romney's eyes, and I see insanity. These guys love torture, and they'll nuke iran. Those are their words.

I aint' buying the crap that Hillary Clinton is "just like" Gulliani/McCain/Huckabee. That's the biggest load of crap that concern trolls in cyberspace have foisted on us for the last two years.