Bush was against troop surge before he was for it!


Well-known member
Remember back when the war started and people (John McCain) were basically screaming that we needed more troops in Iraq?

Bush was against it, he said, Ill send more troops when the generals on the ground ask for them....

Now that the war is basically lost... Bush has fired the generals on the ground, is about to replace them with generals who will allow him to do the surge, and is pushing for a surge of troops himself....

Now, I am one who does not like to attack polititans for changing their minds, I think its a brave thing to do, because it entales admiting you were wrong...

But the Bushies attacked Senator Kerry so badly I think the word hypocrate comes to mine!
Haha Good point Alex!

I wonder if this signifies that the "war" is indeed in its last throes.
I missed where Bush said General Abizade was doing a "heck of a job."