

Worst gambler ever
Here's a few of my favorite gems from our cowboy in tight blue jeans. Just a reminder to all of us who disagree with Dixie's assertion that his hot cowboy is the smartest visionary in the universe:

"Listen, I want to thank leaders of the - in the faith - faith-based and community-based community for being here."
— (The White House, "President Meets with Representatives from National Voluntary Organizations," Sept. 6, 2005.)

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
—Confronted by political opposition, Bush explains his strategy on promoting Social Security reform. (Washington Post, "The Ostrich Approach," Dan Froomkin, May 25, 2005)

"It seemed like to me they based some of their decisions on the word of—and the allegations—by people who were held in detention, people who hate America, people that had been trained in some instances to disassemble—that means not tell the truth."
—Bush answers a question about Amnesty International's report on abuse in U.S. war prisons. (President's Press Conference, May 31, 2005, White House transcript)

"I repeat, personal accounts do not permanently fix the solution."
—A glimmer of truth, however confused, from Bush on Social Security. (White House, "President's Press Conference", March 16, 2005)

"Because he's hiding…"
—Bush, explaining why Osama bin Laden has yet to be captured. (Washington Post interview, Jan. 16, 2005)

"I was impressed every day by how hard and how skillful our team was."
—In Bush's victory speech on Nov. 3, 2004

"We will stand up for terror. We will stand up for freedom."
—Bush, speaking on the campaign trail, Oct. 18, 2004, in Marlton, N.J.

"So I don't know where he is. You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... We haven't heard much from him. And I wouldn't necessarily say he's at the center of any command structure. And, again, I don't know where he is. I- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him."
—Bush, answering a question about Osama bin Laden at a March 13, 2002 news conference.

"Gosh, I just don't think I ever said I'm not worried about Osama bin Laden. It's kind of one of those exaggerations."
—Bush, during the final presidential debate, attempting to refute Kerry’s claim that the president boasted he was not concerned about Osama bin Laden.

"Free societies are hopeful societies. And free societies will be allies against these hateful few who have no conscience, who kill at the whim of a hat …"
—Bush, mixing metaphors at a Victory 2004 Luncheon in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 17, 2004.

"It reads like a mystery, a novel. It's well written."
—W., assessing the 9/11 Commission's report, to an AP reporter in Crawford, Texas, July 26, 2004.

"Columbia carried in its payroll classroom experiments from some of our students in America."
Source: The Washington Post, "With Edwards, White House Shows First-Strike Capability," Dana Milbank, Feb. 11, 2003

"The law I sign today directs new funds and new focus to the task of collecting vital intelligence on terrorist threats and on weapons of mass production."
Source: Federal Document Clearing House, "President Signs 911 Commission Bill," Nov. 27, 2002

"Speaking about barbaric regimes, we must deal with probably one of the most—not probably—one of the most real threats we face, and that is the idea of a barbaric regime teaming up with a terrorist network and providing weapons of mass destruction to hold the United States and our allies and our friends blackmail."
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "George W. Bush Participates in Alexander for Senate Luncheon," Sept. 17, 2002

"A free, peaceful Zimbabwe has got the capacity to deliver a lot of goods and services which are needed on this continent in order to help aleve suffering."
—Bush, making a plug for "Aleve" pain reliever in speaking about alleviating suffering in Africa

"Maybe between the time I left Camp David and here I'll learn more."

—Bush, speaking to reporters after returning from Camp David

"One year ago today, the time for excuse-making has come to an end."
Source: Federal News Service, "Remarks by President George W. Bush on Anniversary of No Child Left Behind Act," Jan. 8, 2003

"There is no second-rate children in Arizona. There's no second-rate children in America."
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "George W. Bush Delivers Remarks at Salmon for Governor and Renzi for Congress Fund-raiser," Sept. 27, 2002

"What is your ambitions?"

—Bush, speaking at the Parkview Arts and Science Magnet School

"When one of us suffer, all of us suffers."
—Bush, addressing the Pennsylvania coal miners

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."
Source: United Press International, "Bush Proposes Increase in Education Funds," Mark Kukis, Feb. 21, 2001

"We've got an issue in America ... too many good docs are getting out of business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
—Bush, telling a crowd assembled in Poplar Bluff, Mo., about a previously underappreciated domestic problem, Sept. 6.

"I went to the Congress last September and proposed fundamental—supplemental funding, which is money for armor and body parts and ammunition and fuel."
—Bush, announcing an unintended policy position, at a Sept. 4 appearance in Erie, Pa.

"It's going to be very important for the Iraqi authorities to reach out to those people and talk about a system that guarantees minority rights, and a system which says that for some the future is bright."
—Bush, speaking in Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003

"We want results in every single classroom so that one single child is left behind."
—Bush, speaking in Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 10, 2003

"The world is more peaceful and more free under my leadership."
Source: The Boston Globe, Oct. 29, 2003

"See, free nations do not develop weapons of mass destruction."
Source: The Chicago Sun-Times, Oct. 13, 2003

"There's too much leaking in Washington. That's just the way it is. And we've had leaks out of the administrative branch, had leaks out of the legislative branch, and out of the executive branch and the legislative branch."
—Bush, adding a fourth branch of government while leaving out the third.

REPORTER: "[The California recall is] the biggest political story in the country. Is it hard to go in there and say nothing about it?"
GEORGE W. BUSH: "It is the biggest political story in the country? That's interesting. That says a lot. That speaks volumes."
REPORTER: "You don't agree?"
GEORGE W. BUSH: "It's up to—I don't get to decide the biggest political story. You decide the biggest political story. But I find it interesting that that is the biggest political story in the country, as you just said."
REPORTER: "You don't think it should be?"
GEORGE W. BUSH: "Oh, I think there's maybe other political stories. Isn't there, like, a presidential race coming up? Maybe that says something. It speaks volumes, if you know what I mean."

—Bush, sharing his insights on the 2004 election, Aug. 13, 2003.

"We need to thin our forests in America."
—Bush, on the evil of forests, Aug. 11, 2003

"I said you were a man of peace. I want you to know I took immense crap for that."
—Bush, speaking to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

"I've got very good relations with President Mubarak and Crown Prince Abdullah and the King of Jordan, Gulf Coast countries."
—Bush, confusing the Gulf Coast with the Persian Gulf

"We ended the rule of one of history's worst tyrants, and in doing so we not only freed the American people, we made our own people more secure."
—Bush, on regime change in the United States

"And, most importantly, Alma Powell, secretary of Colin Powell, is with us."
—Bush, introducing Alma Powell, wife of Secretary of State Colin Powell

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein and his willingness to terrorize himself."
Source: The Washington Post, "With Edwards, White House Shows First-Strike Capability," Dana Milbank, Feb. 11, 2003

"The Iraqi regime is a threat to any American and to threats who are friends of America."
Source: Federal Document Clearing House, "President Rallies Troops at Fort Hood," Jan. 3, 2003

"And I know something about being a government. And you've got a good one."
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "Remarks by the President at Arkansas Welcome, Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport," Nov. 4, 2002

"I was proud the other day when both Republicans and Democrats stood with me in the Rose Garden to announce their support for a clear statement of purpose, "You disarm, or we will.'"
—Bush, speaking about Saddam Hussein

"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here."
Source: PR Newswire, "Remarks by the President at the Economic Forum Health Care Security Session," Aug. 13, 2002

"Do you have blacks, too?"
—Bush, speaking to Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso.

"Jessica Simpson is here with us, which means we've finally introduced reality TV to the Lincoln Theater."
—Bush, introducing the pop singer and reality TV star on March 14 at Ford's Theater in Washington (where Lincoln was shot).

"By making the right choices, we can make the right choice for our future."
—Bush, sharing insights into improving Americans' health and fitness

"Wait for us to succeed peace. Wait for us to have two states, side by side—is for everybody coming together to deny the killers the opportunity to destroy."
—Bush, speaking to reporters

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill."
—Bush, speaking about terrorism and poverty

"The solid truth of the matter is, when you find—if you want to help heal the hurt, if you want to you hurt people—help people in pain, the best way to do so is to call upon the great strength of the country, which is the compassion of our fellow Americans."
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "George W. Bush Delivers Remarks," Nov. 4, 2002

"This is a—this is a—any strike's a tough—tough situation, but this one happens to come at a—or a lockout is a tough situation, or no work is a tough situation—is to come at bad time."
Source: Federal News Service, "Remarks by President Bush Following Meeting with Congressional Leaders to Discuss Terrorism Insurance," Oct. 1, 2002

"I should have clarified it by my statement. I just clarified it by my—not should have—I just."
—Bush, trying to clarify a statement
Source: FDCH Political Transcripts, "George W. Bush Holds Media Availability with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi," Sept. 14, 2002

Here's a few of my favorite gems from our cowboy in tight blue jeans. Just a reminder to all of us who disagree with Dixie's assertion that his hot cowboy is the smartest visionary in the universe:

Dixie, 7/21/2005, FP.com: I LOVE GEORGE W. BUSH!!!!!!!

And I don't give a shit what YOU think about it!

I love the way he talks, I love his honesty and integrity... I love the plain-spoken demeanor, and the confident swaggar. .......

I love to see him working on his ranch like Reagan did, I love to see him do an interview in blue jeans, I even love when he managels his salybals.

I love his chuckle, and his wit. I love his jokes,

I love to just listen to him talk about his ideas.

I love his wife, I love his accent, I love her accent... I love the way they look at each other like two people genuinely in love! I love the comfort of knowing Dubya ain't cheating on her and getting blowjobs on the side, and I love the lack of rumors that she is a lesbian. I love not having 'bimbo alerts' and an endless stream of women accusing him of sexual misconduct. I love not having to hear about cigars, cloakroom sex, and splooge on blue dresses.

