Bush's biggest error... Kyoto!


Well-known member
Bush's most underrated and one of the biggest errors was to cancell the Kyoto global warming treety!

Had he waited till today to do it, he would never have been able to cancell it politically!

Only reciently have the Republicans admited Global Warming exists.
I'm pretty sure you are off there.

In 1998 Gore symbolically signed the treaty, both Gore and Lieberman stated that the treaty would never be acted upon until developing nations began participation. Clinton never submitted the treaty to the Senate for ratification.

Bush continued the policy and also has not submitted the treaty to the Senate. The treaty was never ratified to be cancelled both of those Presidents cited the inequality of the Treaty. Where China, the second-largest emitter, is exempted. And Germany and India, also large contributors, of those India was also exempted from the treaty.

Bush never "cancelled" the treaty as it has never been submitted for ratification by the Senate.
Yewp, we as a country were not ready for Kyoto, had to be beaten about the head and shouldter some more. Still not ready for Kyoto, it will take a few more years.

Bush's biggest mistake was Iraq.
Schiavo... was his most telling mistake, it revealed to the American people who he really is.
It was telling . Bush has made many mistakes. But by far the one with the biggest impact was Iraq....
Iraq is exponentially bigger than the rest combined and will define his legacy and lay the ground work for decades of domination by the left beginning in 2008
Yep spin I agree.
However lets not forget his stance on Enron either.
And when "Kenny Boy" became a stranger to Bush overnight :D
He's got little blame on him from enron at all.
Iraq is more than enough for me, Imagine you have three soldier age grandsons.
that's how old my sons are, I go before them. I don't need anymore amo, Iraq is 10x what I need to convert to dem.
Kinda brings it home huh ?

My grandchildren are a bit young for Iraq, but who knows the mess Bush started might last for many years.

Bush had little to do with enron, except for promoting the attitude that enabled it to happen. And when asked to intercede just said let the market decide... that is all we know of his involvemnt so far, who knows what might come out in the future.