Bush's scorched earth policy ?


Villified User
Last month without notice to its scientists or the public, EPA abruptly closed the OPPTS Library, the agency's only specialized research repository on health effects and properties of toxic chemicals and pesticides. The web purge follows reports that library staffers were ordered to destroy its holdings by throwing collections into recycling bins.

One has to ask why....

:eek: I'm simply stunned. How can they do that, legally? These are public records, are they not?

I read yesterday that there was a plan afoot to delist lead as a pollutant because its presence in the air has been diminished by about 90%. I suppose that means that lead is no longer a toxic substance? There was nothing in explanation of what the consequences of this delisting might be.
Well the lead thing worked out well for the republicans. It generated a bunch of braindamaged people that helped vote bush in.
They want to keep the dumb voters coming.