Business Models based on the lie

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Many new business models are based on fuel costs being extremely high. This is why many fascists are on the same side as the envirowackos, who want to keep vast energy supplies off limits. New business based on new lies, go fascism!
Many new business models are based on fuel costs being extremely high. This is why many fascists are on the same side as the envirowackos, who want to keep vast energy supplies off limits. New business based on new lies, go fascism!

What exactly is your political ideology?

I'm thinking you're a LaRouchite, but I could be wrong...
We have new business models ? I thought we were still operating on the unlimited cheap credit model ?

There are whole new businesses springing up based on new efficiency and energy monitoring etc. If the price of energy becomes reasonable, their businesses are in jeopardy. This is why the fascists are on board with the envirowacko lies.