But Don't Forget


...they hate us for our "freedom".

Relief groups: 8 million Iraqis need aid
Agencies say crisis depriving some 8 million people of water, food, shelter
The Associated Press
Updated: 5:33 a.m. ET July 30, 2007

LONDON - About 8 million Iraqis — nearly a third of the population — need immediate emergency aid because of the humanitarian crisis caused by the war, relief agencies said Monday.

Those Iraqis are in urgent need of water, sanitation, food and shelter, said the report by Oxfam and the NGO Coordination Committee network in Iraq.

The report said 15 percent of Iraqis cannot regularly afford to eat, and 70 percent are without adequate water supplies, up from 50 percent in 2003. It also said 28 percent of children are malnourished, compared with 19 percent before the 2003 invasion.

“Basic services, ruined by years of war and sanctions, cannot meet the needs of the Iraqi people,” said Jeremy Hobbs, the director of Oxfam International. “Millions of Iraqis have been forced to flee the violence, either to another part of Iraq or abroad. Many of those are living in dire poverty.”

The report said more than 2 million people — mostly women and children — have been displaced within Iraq, and 2 million Iraqis have fled the country as refugees, mostly to neighboring Syria and Jordan.

The amount of human suffering caused by a very small group of men is, at this point, totally incomprehensible.
The amount of human suffering caused by a very small group of men is, at this point, totally incomprehensible.

standard Bushevik response:

Yeah, but what about the mass graves and torture chambers we found, huh?

What, do you want Saddam back, traitor?
"What, do you want Saddam back, traitor?"

Fox's own John Gibson just used that a few weeks ago.

Don't forget the ol' standby: What were we supposed to do after 9/11? Were we supposed to not do anything & hope the terrorists would just leave us alone?

Oh, and my personal favorite - you HAVE to give Bush credit; after all, we haven't been attacked since!
"What, do you want Saddam back, traitor?"

Fox's own John Gibson just used that a few weeks ago.

Don't forget the ol' standby: What were we supposed to do after 9/11? Were we supposed to not do anything & hope the terrorists would just leave us alone?

Oh, and my personal favorite - you HAVE to give Bush credit; after all, we haven't been attacked since!

On a message board that Cypress and I used to post on, one of the big ones was "Thank God Al Gore wasn't President on 9/11, he would have apologized to the terrorists". I always loved that one.
On a message board that Cypress and I used to post on, one of the big ones was "Thank God Al Gore wasn't President on 9/11, he would have apologized to the terrorists". I always loved that one.

Yeah, but when the WMD went missing, and the level of Bush's incompetence on Iraq became obvious to everyone, that talking point went away, and they started trying to share credit on iraq:

"Gore would have invaded Iraq too!"
Yeah, but when the WMD went missing, and the level of Bush's incompetence on Iraq became obvious to everyone, that talking point went away, and they started trying to share credit on iraq:

"Gore would have invaded Iraq too!"

So true. And, it was the same people.
Like Iraq had anything to do with 911....
Even by this administrations own admissions Iraq had nothing to do with 911.
Like Iraq had anything to do with 911....
Even by this administrations own admissions Iraq had nothing to do with 911.

Yeah, but when you pin a Bushevik down on that, they'll yell: "But, they're there now!".

I never understood that, as an effective talking point. Who allowed al qaeda to establish itself iraq? Bush!

And that also ignores that Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia is not the same group as OBL's al qaeda, and may well have different goals and capabilities.
Yeah, but when the WMD went missing, and the level of Bush's incompetence on Iraq became obvious to everyone, that talking point went away, and they started trying to share credit on iraq:

"Gore would have invaded Iraq too!"

This actually made my stomach turn a bit - it is so true. I distinctly remember how many times I heard "thank God Gore didn't get elected," or something to that effect. But of course, as you said, since it's become clear what a debacle Iraq is, everything has flipped. I have had more arguments than I would care to count over on FP trying to convince conservatives that a President Gore would never have invaded Iraq, to which I've gotten responses ranging from "keep spinning" to "Iraq was inevitable...Gore would have done the same thing."
This actually made my stomach turn a bit - it is so true. I distinctly remember how many times I heard "thank God Gore didn't get elected," or something to that effect. But of course, as you said, since it's become clear what a debacle Iraq is, everything has flipped. I have had more arguments than I would care to count over on FP trying to convince conservatives that a President Gore would never have invaded Iraq, to which I've gotten responses ranging from "keep spinning" to "Iraq was inevitable...Gore would have done the same thing."

Do these bush fans even know they're lying, when they're lying?

I distinctly remember getting lectured by them in 2001, that we were lucky to have Bush, because no way would Gore have attaked the taliban in afghanistan.

If Gore wouldn't have even attacked OBL in afghanistan (in their minds), what are the odds he would have attacked Iraq? Nil.
It's the same mentality that gives us "The Dems voted for war, too! This is their war as much as Bush's!"

Can you imagine if this war had been an amazing success, we found WMD's, Iraq had turned quickly into a stable democracy and we were out of there by now, and intel reports reflected a decrease in the threat of Al Qaida? All of that still sounds as absurd to me as it did in March of '03, but had it unfolded that way, you can only imagine what they'd be saying about "the Dems."
Yeah, but when you pin a Bushevik down on that, they'll yell: "But, they're there now!".

I never understood that, as an effective talking point. Who allowed al qaeda to establish itself iraq? Bush!...

That's the one that really pisses me off.
And for some reason only the Dems are supposed to come up with a soloution for the Iraq war.
I am not sure why the party that started it are not responsible for the soloution....
It's the same mentality that gives us "The Dems voted for war, too! This is their war as much as Bush's!"

Can you imagine if this war had been an amazing success, we found WMD's, Iraq had turned quickly into a stable democracy and we were out of there by now, and intel reports reflected a decrease in the threat of Al Qaida? All of that still sounds as absurd to me as it did in March of '03, but had it unfolded that way, you can only imagine what they'd be saying about "the Dems."

Ummm, up until about August 2003, the Dems were "on the wrong side of history" on the Iraq War. I heard that over and over and over, from Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, and all the Bush fans.

Starting about in the Fall of 2003, is when I started hearing that the Dems were just as reponsible for the war, as Bush was. Credit was equally shared.

I couldn't live with that kind of intellectual dishonesty - but, I guess Bush fans can.
Ummm, up until about August 2003, the Dems were "on the wrong side of history" on the Iraq War. I heard that over and over and over, from Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, and all the Bush fans.

Starting about in the Fall of 2003, is when I started hearing that the Dems were just as reponsible for the war, as Bush was. Credit was equally shared.

I couldn't live with that kind of intellectual dishonesty - but, I guess Bush fans can.

Cypress the alternative of being wrong is just an inconcievable concept to Bushites.