But It's Good Money


Junior Member
Another shady land deal by Reid. But he was going to vote that way anyway so it's not a bribe. That was his excuse on the Abramhoff money and it worked out fine for him. But this is about the 6th land deal. But they are all the same. HE WAS GOING TO VOTE THAT WAY ANYWAY so it all fine.

>>A deal in the desert for Sen. Reid?
A bill he wrote could have affected the friend who sold the land

I don't really know much about this, but all corrupt politicos should be shot.
Preferrably numerous times starting at the feet and working your way upwards.
But my point is that the libeal media and the Democrats seem to miss this corruption investigation.
I just hate people using a position of authority and trust to line their own pockets and screw the people that put them there.

My approach WOULD reduce corruption in govt.