Butthurt snowflake Fla (R) introduces self-serving "Right To Rock Act" ....


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In what has become typical right-wing hothead, reactionary goofball fashion, a Florida State Representative named Joel Rudman has filed a bill with the state legislature, that would bar owners of entertainment venues from cancelling performance contracts signed with acts who make public/social media comments or take political stances that they find objectionable.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WFLA) — A bill recently filed in the Florida legislature would bar certain entertainment venues from cancelling shows due to a performer’s political affiliation or social media activity.

Florida Rep. Joel Rudman (R-Navarre) filed the “Right to Rock Act” on Wednesday.

An entertainment venue, whether an indoor event venue or an outdoor event venue, that accepts state funding and enters into a contract with a person engaged in a live presentation or performance by a single performer or multiple performers, including musicians, comedians, dancers, and actors, whether or not such person or persons are compensated for the presentation or performance, may not cancel or terminate an executed contract with such person for any reason related to the person’s use of social media or political affiliation.

The bill would likely benefit Rudman’s musical ambitions. The Panhandle Republican plays in a classic rock cover band whose recent “God, Guns and Less Government” tour was reportedly on the receiving end of online trolling.

In a Facebook post earlier this month, Rudman tagged the Santa Rosa County Democrats and claimed “woke mob liberals” spammed his Eventbrite page with fake names and email addresses in an attempt to “cancel” him.

“Dude we didn’t even know about your tour until we saw this post. If you’re experiencing Eventbrite issues it has nothing to do with us,” Santa Rosa County Democrats wrote in response. “You’re not that important. Our job is to expose what little you do for our county, we could care less about your guitar career.”

Rudman filed HB-15 two weeks later. The 2024 Florida legislative session begins in January.

https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/f...EE, Fla.,affiliation or social media activity.

Yes folks, these are the important issues republiclowns are busy with.

Protecting you from not being able to watch has been acts like Ted Nugent spout garbage at some local county fair.


Someone who thread bans people calls other snowflakes.