Buy our pot or we will kill you


Villified User
Wednesday November 26, 2008

Local man stabbed

By Fred Petke

A man’s refusal to buy marijuana may have led to his stabbing early this morning on Ecton Road.

Charles J. Clay, of 716 Dogwood Lane, told police he was walking along the road between 1 and 2 a.m. when he was approached by two acquaintances in a a dark blue or black Nissan Maxima. When they asked if he wanted to “buy some weed,” Clay refused twice, according to the report filed by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, and told them he wanted to walk home.

Clay told police that a verbal altercation began and the people in the car demanded money. The two acquaintances got out of the car and assaulted Clay, he said, while the other two stayed in the car. Clay said the fight continued for three to five minutes before one pulled a knife and stabbed Clay in the abdomen.

The suspects fled when another vehicle approached, he said. Eventually, he got a ride home and was taken to the hospital.

Clay’s brother drove him to Clark Regional Medical Center, Clark County Sheriff Berl Perdue said. Clay was later transferred to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

The wound is not expected to be life threatening, Perdue said.

Clay knew the two people involved in the fight and identified who pulled the knife, but deputies haven’t found them yet. There were two other people in the car, but Clay did not know who they were.

“We haven’t located the suspects yet,” Perdue said. “We’re still looking.”

Perdue said Clay had some wounds to his hands, which confirmed there was a fight. Clay also said he managed to punch one of his attackers in the eye.
Wednesday November 26, 2008

Local man stabbed

By Fred Petke

A man’s refusal to buy marijuana may have led to his stabbing early this morning on Ecton Road.

Charles J. Clay, of 716 Dogwood Lane, told police he was walking along the road between 1 and 2 a.m. when he was approached by two acquaintances in a a dark blue or black Nissan Maxima. When they asked if he wanted to “buy some weed,” Clay refused twice, according to the report filed by the Clark County Sheriff’s Office, and told them he wanted to walk home.

Clay told police that a verbal altercation began and the people in the car demanded money. The two acquaintances got out of the car and assaulted Clay, he said, while the other two stayed in the car. Clay said the fight continued for three to five minutes before one pulled a knife and stabbed Clay in the abdomen.

The suspects fled when another vehicle approached, he said. Eventually, he got a ride home and was taken to the hospital.

Clay’s brother drove him to Clark Regional Medical Center, Clark County Sheriff Berl Perdue said. Clay was later transferred to the University of Kentucky Medical Center.

The wound is not expected to be life threatening, Perdue said.

Clay knew the two people involved in the fight and identified who pulled the knife, but deputies haven’t found them yet. There were two other people in the car, but Clay did not know who they were.

“We haven’t located the suspects yet,” Perdue said. “We’re still looking.”

Perdue said Clay had some wounds to his hands, which confirmed there was a fight. Clay also said he managed to punch one of his attackers in the eye.

And the government tell us that pot is bad for our health.

Here is proof that NOT getting pot is bad for your health.