buying the war

I am not going to miss this Desh, I have been anticipating it since last week. I've read some really great things about it.
I am planning on watching this as well.

One of the biggest issues surrounding the invasion of Iraq is, I think, the failure of the media. They are supposed to be the skeptics. They're supposed to challenge the administration and force them to really make the case for war. That's what the press is for.

In this case, they not only failed, they joined the other side. It's like your white blood cells giving up and attacking your own body.

I want to see what Moyers has to say about it.
Something like this has been on LINKTV, pretty good stuff, with Chomsky and others about the selling of the media.

I guess this will double the cons efforts to cut PBS funding. OOPS they don't get much now do they, Newt worked really well on that.
Perfect! Its right before Lost comes on!

(I know....I know...the show sux but I'm an addict)