APP - By 3:1 Voters blame democrats more than republicans for the government shutdown

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Shutdown Schumer must have had some internal polling showing him this same result which is why he pulled the plug on his ill conceived shutdown. Surely, if he thought his party was benefitting he wouldn't have caved so quickly.

This means there will be no shut down in the next coming weeks as the democrat party's hand has not improved on this issue

Additionally, if the democrat party thinks they are going to ride this issue into electoral victory in 2018, they may be mistaken
I remember all the liberals calling it the trump shutdown and how it was all his fault, even though 95% of republicans voted to keep the government open. I always found that weird.

Democrats keep thinking their brute force propaganda tactics will work, but as has been increasingly obvious, that's not the case anymore. no wonder why they are so frustrated.
Yes they do and polling shows that if they shut it down again Trump will not be blamed. Trumps favorability has gone up 7 pts and still climbing, hes at 42, thats an average of several polls,of which some are artificially low, hes actually higher.