APP - By every measure Obama was the fascist


We always hear leftists call Trump a fascist and a dictator. The problem is that they never give any specifics. So as a public service, I will review

Let's start with the definition of fascist

A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Now about the only thing in this definition that applies to Trump vs Obama is that Trump exalts the Nation. There is no doubt about that. However, Trump does not exalt the nation above the individual. Trump does not stand for a centralized autocratic government or economic and social regimentation or forcible suppression of opposition.

All of that comes from our leftist friends supposedly disguised as "anti fascists"

Trump did not dictate that the economy shut down due to the Wu Flu
Trump did not force mask mandates due to Wu Flu
Trump has time and time again left things to the individual
Trump has time and time again deferred to Congress to pass laws instead of executive orders that exceeded his power.

It is the left through BLMTIFA that is forcing loyalty pledges or else face violence. It is the left that is placing race above the individual

Trump is the antidote to leftist fascism. The left wrongly believes that fascism is a "right wing ideology" which couldn't be further from the truth. But, leftists aren't so much uneducated as much as they have been educated with the wrong information which is more dangerous

Remember when Obama said he didn't have the authority to do anything about DACA but did it anyway? Fascism
Remember when Obama turned the IRS against US citizens and harassed the Tea Party heading into the election? Fascism
Remember when Obama turned the FBI against Josh Rosen at Fox News? Fascism
When people exposed the crimes of Planned Parenthood they used Fusion GPS (sound familiar) and the state to defame and prosecute them. Fascism.