By Special Invitation


New member
"Hello RJS it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

Even though RJS finds it kind of sad, how the, happy-go-lucky idiot Damocles, feels the need, to bow and scrape for RJS’s mensa posts, he cannot help but be flattered by this special invitation only plea to post, unlike the libtards who people beg to go away? LOL, thank you.
Notice as soon as RJS comes on, the lib ladies begin to gather around him? Another reason why the lib half and half men hate RJS, jealousy, sorry. Thank you.
Notice as soon as RJS comes on, the lib ladies begin to gather around him? Another reason why the lib half and half men hate RJS, jealousy, sorry. Thank you.

What are your thoughts on all of the contrevorsy surrounding the olympics this year?
What are your thoughts on all of the contrevorsy surrounding the olympics this year?

RJS has been too busy mensaing out the exact configurations for time travel, having discovered what he has concluded, is a wormhole, in his telescope? NASA has laughed me off, butt, you will be seeing RJS in the newspapers soon. Neverthelessess, I have not kept up with the controversies of the little people, sorry.