California Bypasses Bush and the Nation


Will work for Scooby snacks
Leaving Bush and the theocrats behind in the dust: Science + new technologies + Innovation = jobs and $$$

"British Prime Minister Tony Blair and California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced an agreement Monday to bypass the Bush administration and work together to explore ways to fight global warming."

"We see that there is not great leadership from the federal government
when it comes to protecting the environment," Schwarzenegger said.
"We know there is global warming, so we should stop it."

"Then there is stem cell research. Blair is promoting research alliances with British firms to California execs, which could enable them to bypass US restrictions on stem cell research."

Considering that Britain 'could be world leader in stem cell research' soon, such an alliance would be welcome.;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OTB1amhuBHNlYwNtdHM-
Cypress this is another area you guys in Cali will lead the country in. I'm pretty sure you guys have the most solar panels on homes in the country. And I'd be shocked if you don't also have the most hybrids. Keep em going we'll all catch on eventually.
Topspin said:
Cypress this is another area you guys in Cali will lead the country in. I'm pretty sure you guys have the most solar panels on homes in the country. And I'd be shocked if you don't also have the most hybrids. Keep em going we'll all catch on eventually.

too bad bush won't lift his ideological restrictions on stem cell research, biotechnology, and climate science research. Other states, maybe even his impoverished southern base, could benefit from innovation and science.

But, if Bush's base doesn't want in the game, our State will play with the big boys.