Only a fucking moron would stay in California
So what’s the point?
You see this crap from the Trumpkins frequently, people are leaving Blue States, like it supposedly means the end of Blue States, even saw one winger predict NYC will be a ghost town next year.
Wingers should be nervous, as fast as people leave these States the quicker other States turn Purple on their way to Blue
A millón or so leave CA for TX, and the next thing you know, TX is a blue state, and CA remains blue.
Then Texas becomes a failed, tax dependent state like California and eventually the US ends up like Italy or Greece only with no one to give them a bailout...
Only a fucking moron would stay in California
There must be about 40 million morons in this country, enjoying the weather, sun, of CA.
It's a great place for illegal immigrants, the homeless, and drug addicts.
There are still morons you fucking idiot.
Yes. my dear, just look int a mirror, but leave the good people of California alone.