California fire and mud slide victims

Sucks for them, but that is what happens when you build where you shouldn't be building when we have so much other land available in the US.
Sucks for them, but that is what happens when you build where you shouldn't be building when we have so much other land available in the US.

What kind of nonsense is that? Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, blizzards, freezing rains, earthquakes.
Have a heart. Have some compassion. "Bitching about not me's because me, myself and I" is on another channel.
What kind of nonsense is that? Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, blizzards, freezing rains, earthquakes.
Have a heart. Have some compassion. "Bitching about not me's because me, myself and I" is on another channel.

I have a heart. That doesn't make me disregard that this was foreseeable and the people who died should have foreseen it. I don't need to values signal so I can feel good about myself because people will think good things if I express the appropriate Hallmark card sentiments. I even saw one of the victims' son saying he had no idea why his mom didn't at least get up on the second floor of her home. I guess common sense is too much to expect from rich white liberals in California.
What kind of nonsense is that? Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, blizzards, freezing rains, earthquakes.
Have a heart. Have some compassion. "Bitching about not me's because me, myself and I" is on another channel.

Only the extremely rich can afford to live in those canyons, they should be left to return to nature.
Please let me offer my deepest condolences to all the victims, families and friends.


What goes around comes around. It will not be long before they are blaming Trump while begging for money with the next breath. But to any innocent overtaken in the calamity.....My prayers for the survivors/family. Let God sort out and judge the dead.

Prayer: "Behold the Lords hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ears heavy, that He cannot hear; But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity. Your lips have spoken lies and your tongue muttered PERVERSITY. No one calls for justice, nor does any plead for truth.

They trust in empty words and speak lies; They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity. They hatch vipers eggs and weave the spiders webb; He who eats of their eggs die and from which is crushed a viper bursts out.

Their webs will not become garments, nor will they cover themselves with their works; Their works are works of iniquity, and the acts of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity. Wasting and destruction are in their paths; The way of peace they have not known, and there is no justice in their ways; They have made for themselves crooked paths, whoever takes that path shall not know peace;

Therefore Justice is far from us; We look for light, but there is darkness! We look for brightness but see only blackness!"

Now do you want to know how I really feel?

As I said, My prayers go out to the innocent, as innocents exist everywhere....but as for the darkness, let them eat cake.
I have a heart. That doesn't make me disregard that this was foreseeable and the people who died should have foreseen it. I don't need to values signal so I can feel good about myself because people will think good things if I express the appropriate Hallmark card sentiments. I even saw one of the victims' son saying he had no idea why his mom didn't at least get up on the second floor of her home. I guess common sense is too much to expect from rich white liberals in California.

Ok, but what do you suggest? Where should people move to be away from disaster's wrath?
I don't know why the woman didn't go higher up. Was she looking for a pet? They just said that they didn't send out warnings until the mudslides were under way. May be she didn't get the message.
As for liberal and conservative, next time we read about a tornado in AL, we can revisit the political lean of the victims. Why do so many people live in trailer parks, knowing that these things are no match for severe storms? Common sense seems to elude them as well.
Ok, but what do you suggest? Where should people move to be away from disaster's wrath?
I don't know why the woman didn't go higher up. Was she looking for a pet? They just said that they didn't send out warnings until the mudslides were under way. May be she didn't get the message.
As for liberal and conservative, next time we read about a tornado in AL, we can revisit the political lean of the victims. Why do so many people live in trailer parks, knowing that these things are no match for severe storms? Common sense seems to elude them as well.
They live in trailers because they have on choice, the people in that canyon are all mega rich like Oprah Winfrey.

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Ok, but what do you suggest? Where should people move to be away from disaster's wrath?
I don't know why the woman didn't go higher up. Was she looking for a pet? They just said that they didn't send out warnings until the mudslides were under way. May be she didn't get the message.
As for liberal and conservative, next time we read about a tornado in AL, we can revisit the political lean of the victims. Why do so many people live in trailer parks, knowing that these things are no match for severe storms? Common sense seems to elude them as well.

We certainly can revisit the political lean any time you want. I gave a sum total of zero dollars to hurricane relief in Texas simply because they decided to put a huge chunk of new homes in former wetlands with inadequate storm drainage which was a foreseeable disaster and those cheap bastards in Texas can pay for their own aid the way they oppose helping other people. A week before that storm I started deepening and widening storm drainage ditches on my property, making sure gutter were cleaned out, and securing things that might go flying in the wind because so many forecasts had the remnants of that thing just possibly passing over our area. IIRC we got 6-7 inches of rain out of it. People need to exercise some reasonable common sense when they are vulnerable, including making themselves less vulnerable.

I did not expect for you to know why she did not go to second story. I was simply pointing out that even a dead woman's son was questioning why his mother hadn't done something else. Either way, that land is inherently unstable. This was not southern CA's first mudslide. I also think we should stop trying to save Miami. The soil there will not support effective seawalls which get undermined by water and topple. We should prohibit new construction on the outerbanks and much of the carolinas due to stability issues with those structures, not to mention trying to mitigate damage is making the situation worse because overwash by hurricanes is part of what built up those areas in the first place. Most of the OBX didn't even exist when America was founded those areas are so relatively new.