California Fires...!


Just got personal...received a hurried e-mail from my brother (Grouch) who lives in Berry Creek,Butte County,California...He said the Milsap Fire just came out of the canyon and was bearing down on his house...he said it was snowing ash...and that he was pulling his hard drive and had to 'Boogie'...He said there were no firemen in his area as they were all at the 'Big Sur' fire...that sucks!
I told him to forget the hard drive and save his VW response...can't get in touch ...Hoping he made it out okay and made it to his daughters down by the lake!
Good luck to Grouch. I hope he's doing okay. Of course living in the middle of fire zone USA...
Dammit! This is becoming a summer ritual for SoCal! I hope Grouch weathers the flames alright.

Yeah it is becoming routine stuff for the rest of the country to just say. "Ohh well CA is on fire again, but did ya hear about madonna ? "
Kinda like Californians do with routine quakes.
Well,still no word from Grouch...I am not too worried as he was a volunteer firefighter before he retired...all I am worried about is his saving his hard drive rather than the VW Baja...what a dork...and I lost my Nieces phone number and she is unlisted(i'm pretty sure he made it to her house down by the Lake) I will have to wait for Grouch to call me...he is probably laughing, thinking I am going nuts wondering....not, I checked the Berry Creek web site for one was reported missing etc...I am concerned as for his insurance as he paid off his house two years ago...and my Bro does procrastinate...