Californian dies inside a chimney

cancel2 2022

This is a really bizarre story.

A woman's decomposing body has been found wedged inside the chimney of her lover's home after she tried to sneak into his house.
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Woman Dies While Stuck In Lover's Chimney Enlarge photo

Dr Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, scaled a ladder to the roof, removed the chimney cap and slid down the flue of the property in Bakersfield, California.

The woman, who had an "on-again, off again" relationship with the man, had gone to the house on Wednesday last week, police said. But the man refused to let her in and escaped unnoticed from the house "to avoid a confrontation", police added.

Dr Kotarac is believed to have been stuck in the chimney for three days. Her body was discovered by a house-sitter who noticed "an odour and fluids" coming from the fireplace, police said.

The house-sitter and her son found the woman's body wedged about two feet above the top of the interior fireplace opening. Firefighters spent five hours dismantling the chimney and flue from the outside of the property to extract the body. The man's identity has been revealed in media reports as William Moodie, 58, the owner of a petroleum engineering company.

"She made an unbelievable error in judgement and nobody understands why, and unfortunately she's passed away," Mr Moodie told the Associated Press. "She had her issues, she had her demons, but I never lost my respect for her."

He would not comment on the circumstances that led to her death but described her as a "superb internist who often provided service and medication free of charge to her patients".

Dr Kotarac ran a medical practice seeing as many as 200 patients a week, reports said. Her office staff reported her missing when she failed to turn up to work. Bakersfield coroner's office said Dr Kotarac died of asphyxiation and concluded the death was an accident.
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That is bizarre. The guy had a smart, attractive woman with a good career knock on his door and he didn't let her in. What was he thinking? :palm:
What a psycho wench! Every man needs at least one in (and hopefully out) of his life. It'll make you appreciate the sane ones even more.
Irrespective of her mental state, nobody deserves to die in such an ignominious manner.

I didn't say her death was good. But then, it was her that removed the chimney cover and tried to shimmy into someone else's house. If she were a burglar, would you be mourning her death like this or saying she got what she deserved?

Its sad that she died. But I would put her up for a Darwin Award.
I didn't say her death was good. But then, it was her that removed the chimney cover and tried to shimmy into someone else's house. If she were a burglar, would you be mourning her death like this or saying she got what she deserved?

Mourning her death, of course. No one deserves to die.
Well actually he once built a single chimney that didn't work. Turns out its more complicated than building a tall rectangular enclosure out of bricks.
The pain and tragedy of unrequited love.

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This is a really bizarre story.

A woman's decomposing body has been found wedged inside the chimney of her lover's home after she tried to sneak into his house.
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Woman Dies While Stuck In Lover's Chimney Enlarge photo

Dr Jacquelyn Kotarac, 49, scaled a ladder to the roof, removed the chimney cap and slid down the flue of the property in Bakersfield, California.

The woman, who had an "on-again, off again" relationship with the man, had gone to the house on Wednesday last week, police said. But the man refused to let her in and escaped unnoticed from the house "to avoid a confrontation", police added.

Dr Kotarac is believed to have been stuck in the chimney for three days. Her body was discovered by a house-sitter who noticed "an odour and fluids" coming from the fireplace, police said.

The house-sitter and her son found the woman's body wedged about two feet above the top of the interior fireplace opening. Firefighters spent five hours dismantling the chimney and flue from the outside of the property to extract the body. The man's identity has been revealed in media reports as William Moodie, 58, the owner of a petroleum engineering company.

"She made an unbelievable error in judgement and nobody understands why, and unfortunately she's passed away," Mr Moodie told the Associated Press. "She had her issues, she had her demons, but I never lost my respect for her."

He would not comment on the circumstances that led to her death but described her as a "superb internist who often provided service and medication free of charge to her patients".

Dr Kotarac ran a medical practice seeing as many as 200 patients a week, reports said. Her office staff reported her missing when she failed to turn up to work. Bakersfield coroner's office said Dr Kotarac died of asphyxiation and concluded the death was an accident.

Sheesh, that's terrible. We've had some real lulus here lately.

(Aug. 28) -- A Las Vegas woman who had been missing for four months was found buried beneath a mountain of garbage and clutter in her own home.

Bill James brought the search for his wife Billie Jean to a horrifying conclusion on Wednesday when he spotted her feet sticking out from the pile of junk that filled the room from floor to ceiling.

The collected clothes, trash and knicknacks in Billie Jean James's house was so vast that sniffer dogs had searched the home without finding her corpse, The Associated Press reported.

"For our dogs to go through that house and not find something should be indicative of the tremendous environmental challenges they faced," police spokesman Bill Cassell said.

Billie Jean, 67, went missing from her home in April, according to a local ABC affiliate. Bill James says he woke up from a nap and could not find his wife anywhere.

He assumed that she had wandered away. She had recently had a mini-stroke that left her disoriented, and he worried that she had suffered another.

Authorities launched a massive hunt for the woman, using sniffer dogs and even helicopters equipped with infrared to search the desert. Meanwhile, Bill set up a Facebook page to promote the search and offered a $10,000 reward. Little did they know that she would eventually be found exactly where she was meant to be -- at home.
