Call It Pelosi’s Report


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Pelosi’s report is necessary to defend tax dollar parasites in government, and in the media-education-entertainment complex —— Pelosi’s primary campaign donors.

Pelosi instructed her clowns:


to make it appear they are impeaching President Trump to defend the American people when, in truth, the vast majority of Americans have been punished by House Democrats for three years. The Judiciary Committee’s report will raise the punishment to the death penalty for the Constitution itself.

The House Judiciary Committee released a report Saturday in which it argued that a president may be impeached for “illegitimate motives” even if his actions are “legally permissible.”

The 52-page report, written by 20 members of the staff for the Democratic majority, attempts to provide a legal and constitutional basis for the Democrats’ ongoing effort to impeach the president.

The report states: “The question is not whether the President’s conduct could have resulted from permissible motives. It is whether the President’s real reasons, the ones in his mind at the time, were legitimate.”

House Judiciary Committee Report: President Can Be Impeached for ‘Motives’ Without Breaking Law
by Joel B. Pollak
7 Dec 2019

Let me paraphrase Ovid (47 B.C. - A.D. -17):

Impeachment doth never prosper: what’s the reason? Why if it prosper, none dare call it impeachment.

The truth no one dares speak.

Impeachment will be very profitable for THE PARASITE CLASS far into the future. Regardless of what happens to Donald Trump every future president that takes on the Parasite Class for any reason is constitutionally AN IMPOSTER, ILLEGITIMATE, ILLEGAL, AND IMPEACHABLE.

Finally, Pelosi went ahead with impeachment because she has no fear of Republicans impeaching a future Democrat president. How can she be so sure? Answer: Diarrhea Mouth and every Democrat relies on television mouths never covering one of their own the same way they covered impeaching Trump.
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Well leftists do like to punish thought crimes. That started decades ago. So at least they are being consistent I guess
Well leftists do like to punish thought crimes. That started decades ago. So at least they are being consistent I guess

Shitty guess. Trump has broken lots of laws and obstructed the investigation. Ask Nixon if that is a nothing burger. He openly asked Russia and Ukraine to interfere in our elections to his advantage.He had a cabal or Trumpies breaking laws to help him. 6 are in jail now.
Shitty guess. Trump has broken lots of laws and obstructed the investigation. Ask Nixon if that is a nothing burger. He openly asked Russia and Ukraine to interfere in our elections to his advantage.He had a cabal or Trumpies breaking laws to help him. 6 are in jail now.

You lie. Put down the crack pipe
Shitty guess. Trump has broken lots of laws and obstructed the investigation. Ask Nixon if that is a nothing burger. He openly asked Russia and Ukraine to interfere in our elections to his advantage.He had a cabal or Trumpies breaking laws to help him. 6 are in jail now.

To Nordberg: First:

It was Bradlee who gave Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein free rein to do whatever was necessary to destroy Nixon over nothing more than political dirty tricks. A lot of Americans believe the Washington Post saved the country from a constitutional crisis when Watergate was nothing more than payback time for Alger Hiss. At the very worst Watergate was a juicy political scandal that would barely register on today’s scandal meter

NOTE: Mr. Nixon made a few mistakes, but he never said or did anything intentionally to betray this country. Can the WAPO say the same thing about the Clintons and Obama?

Next, you obviously believe the opinions every Democrat witness said at hearings. Maybe you will believe what a flaming liberal Democrat —— Allen Dershowitz —— said about impeaching President Trump. Listen to what Big D from Harvard had to say last night:

Maybe this one works:


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Just when you thought that CNN's many hosts couldn't possibly become even more anti-Trump, S.E. Cupp writes on Twitter that she is confident that Donald Trump will demand a "third term" as president.

CNN's S.E. Cupp Loses It, Says Trump Will Demand a 'Third Term' as President
By Michael van der Galien
December 8, 2019

An additional three years will do in order to compensate Trump for the years he wasted fighting Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi trying to govern the country instead of fulfilling every promise he made in 2016.
A small number of Frisco Freaks, parasites, and perverts were effectively governing this country for three years if you consider everything Pelosi blocked singlehandedly is governing. She not only blocked the will of voters she kept the borders open and used the public purse to support millions of illegal aliens.

An additional three years will do in order to compensate Trump for the years he wasted fighting Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi trying to govern the country instead of fulfilling every promise he made in 2016.

Pelosi’s open-borders Communism is ignored every time she whips out the Constitution with one hand and the Bible with the other hand. Unfortunately for Diarrhea Mouth, Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh reminds that Communism’s influence is real:

Khrushchev’s Communist Propaganda Lives On In The Democrat Party of Today
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
December 9, 2019

Dr. Paugh’s great piece forgot to mention that Pelosi had her nose surgically attached to Gorbachev’s ass soon after she went to Congress in 1987. She preferred Khrushchev, but he died in 1971:

I am wondering if Mikhail Gorbachev is interfering in the Senate confirmation process.


Incidentally, Nutso Nancy Pelosi and Mikhail Gorbachev have been as thick as thieves for close to 30 years.​
Finally, Pelosi went ahead with impeachment because she has no fear of Republicans impeaching a future Democrat president. How can she be so sure? Answer: Diarrhea Mouth and every Democrat relies on television mouths never covering one of their own the same way they covered impeaching Trump.

Who needs facts when you are Speaker of the House?

In fact, Pelosi does not need a badge. She gets her authority from Alfonso Bedoya:


To Nordberg: First:

It was Bradlee who gave Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein free rein to do whatever was necessary to destroy Nixon over nothing more than political dirty tricks. A lot of Americans believe the Washington Post saved the country from a constitutional crisis when Watergate was nothing more than payback time for Alger Hiss. At the very worst Watergate was a juicy political scandal that would barely register on today’s scandal meter

NOTE: Mr. Nixon made a few mistakes, but he never said or did anything intentionally to betray this country. Can the WAPO say the same thing about the Clintons and Obama?

Next, you obviously believe the opinions every Democrat witness said at hearings. Maybe you will believe what a flaming liberal Democrat —— Allen Dershowitz —— said about impeaching President Trump. Listen to what Big D from Harvard had to say last night:

Maybe this one works:


I knew you were in neverland in Trump's case, but I did not know the disease that ate your brain started in Nixons time. Now it is Bradlee's fault, not the horrible crimes of Nixon? Back then the Repubs had some integrity, now that is gone.Nixon was so bad, that Republican senators told him they could no longer back him. These reds will never answer to the law and evidence but will remain100 percent suckups.
Now it is Bradlee's fault,

To Nordberg: ASSHOLE! It was:

In the mundane world of journalism Ben Bradlee (1921 - 2014) was akin to John Wayne’s screen persona; a straight shooter; a rock of honesty who never did a wrong thing in his life.

Back when Watergate was happening I thought Bradlee’s motive was less than pure. Even today, detractors fail to mention the fact that he was JFK’s pal on top of hating Richard Nixon for his role in bringing down Alger Hiss. It was not difficult to visualize how hatred must have consumed Bradlee after Nixon rose from the dead and won the presidency in 1968.


Long after Nixon’s resignation Bradlee expressed doubts about Deep Throat —— later identified as FBI informant W. Mark Felt —— but Bradlee never admitted he did a hatchet job on Nixon.

New book says Bradlee doubted some Woodward details in ‘All the President’s Men’
By Joel Achenbach
April 29, 2012

The thing to remember is that the Washington Post story started slowly. Even the NY Times told them to get off it. Eventually, television’s newly found influence at the time swallowed the WAPO story hook, line, and sinker until Nixon finally resigned.

Woodward has been discredited although his fellow journalists still hang on every word he says whenever he appears on talk show panels. Nor will you find media mouths looking at the late Ben Bradlee with a jaundiced eye. Happily, his John Wayne image is occasionally examined on the Internet:

In 2012 Pat Buchanan put Bob Woodward in perspective:

The Unraveling Myth of Watergate
Pat Buchanan
May 25, 2012

Finally, I doubt if Sousa would compose anything for today’s Washington Post:

not the horrible crimes of Nixon?

To Nordberg: Political dirty tricks is not as horrible as the crimes Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi and Pencil Neck Schiff are committing.


. . . Nixon became a well-respected elder statesmen in his final years. I cannot think of one Democrat who will be remembered kindly. A long time ago I said that when Bill Clinton dies the alphabet networks and Democrats will have to chip in and pay a rent-a-mob to make it look like millions of saddened mourners turned out for the funeral.

Media liars still refer to Watergate as a constitutional crisis. So if a third rate burglary triggered a constitutional crisis exactly how does media define covering up Hillary Clinton’s treason?

Obviously, John Dean was trotted out to strengthen the argument for impeaching President Trump. In fact, Dean is a two-edged sword.
Rightys have created their own universe where the laws of truth and justice are gone. Pelosi was extremely reluctant to do impeachment. They had to drag her in. She calculated that it was a damaging political move. Now crazy rightys think it was Pelosi's idea. I guess making up shit works for them. The evidence forced her to go along. It was her duty to the office and the constitution. The Repubs are not beholden to the constitution. Just Trump. All-day every day..Trump.
It is si, simply not Pelosi's report. But rightys know and can predict the Pavlovian response of the believers and members of the cult. Say Pelosi and they are ready for the mattresses.