Call me crazy, but what if I get what I want?

Haggen Daz (spelling is likely incorrect on cell phone).

Anyway, I have one addiction in life, maybe not an addiction, but like it more than I should.....


Thia started when I had to move in with my dad in the fifth grade and he would give me money because he was gone 3 weeks out of the month and his girlfriend babysat me. (don't ask and yes she was hot, shut up pervs)

A Haggan Daz opens up down town, 20 minute walk, and I immediately bought pints of ice cream. I then stumbled upon Vanilla Preanut Butter swirl. I could eat a pint on my way home.

Obviously, don't have that metabolism rate at this age, so don't eat as much at one time. But that is my favorite flavor.

And I boldly emailed them tonight and asked if they could bring it back, even in a limited version.

One thing I miss about youth, never gained weight until early 30s. Eat all the ice cream I wanted. Smoke a big bong, walk to the store and eat anything I wanted.
Are you fat?

20 pounds over my ideal weight.

I sit at a desk most of the days, do I come home and indulge in ice cream more than I should, yes.

I have looked up a dozen weight loss programs and they are expensive beyond ridiculous. If I walked 20 minutes 4x a week and cut the carbs and *gasp* ice-cream, I could probably drop 20 on 2 months.

Sue me.
20 pounds over my ideal weight.

I sit at a desk most of the days, do I come home and indulge in ice cream more than I should, yes.

I have looked up a dozen weight loss programs and they are expensive beyond ridiculous. If I walked 20 minutes 4x a week and cut the carbs and *gasp* ice-cream, I could probably drop 20 on 2 months.

Sue me.

Just asking. ;)