Call Socialists Parasites Or Traitors


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All of Trump’s motivational rah-rah MAGA pep talk did nothing to slow down Socialism’s advances never mind stopping it. Speeches to CPAC do not make him a conservative. The only way Trump can convince me that he is a conservative is to lead the fight to repeal the XVI Amendment.

I did not watch Trump’s gig, but as far as I know he never called Socialists parasites which is what they are.

National Harbor (United States) (AFP) - President Donald Trump rallied right-wing activists Saturday with a speech offering conservative red meat on immigration, trade and the threat of "socialism" as he sought to move on from a bruising week in domestic and international politics.

"We believe in the American dream, not in the socialist nightmare," he said to boisterous applause from hundreds of supporters at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington.

"America will never be a socialist country," Trump added in a mammoth two-hour speech that seemed to draw energy from the fervent reception offered by some of his influential supporters in the room.

Trump warns conservatives against 'socialist nightmare'
Nicolas Kamm
March 3, 2019

The XVI Amendment pays for Socialism. So long as Democrat parasites can implement and fund every piece of their agenda with income tax dollars this country is closer to becoming a Socialist country than ever before. List only half of Socialism’s unconstitutional use of tax dollars if you want to see why Socialist are closing in on victory.

The violence threatened and executed by Socialists/Communists to date are mild compared to what they will do if and when repealing the XVI Amendment is put a vote. There is no Socialism without the income tax. Communists know that better than they know:


Socialists/Communists are relying on Americans fear of a war started by China. Fear was how they implemented so much of their parasitic agenda throughout the Cold War. In short: Standup to us and we will revolt so Soviet Communists can invade a U.S. weakened by revolution.

Parenthetically, American Communists made great advances during the Cold War because of the external threat the Soviet Union posed. The threat of a nuclear war got American Communists much more than they ever hoped to get in a real nuclear war the Soviet Union would have lost.

The Democrat Party’s Cold War strategy exploited the Soviet Union’s threat. That is how American Communists/Socialists got the most out of the external threat of nuclear war. Democrats are using the same Cold War scare tactic with China and North Korea —— in addition to handing Iran membership in the Nuclear Club.

Parenthetically, Cold War American Communists wanted the threat not the war. Hence, the Soviet Union losing a nuclear war was never Democrat Party thinking. Today’s Democrat Socialists influenced by illegal aliens and Muslims are praying for the war the Strategic Air Command prevented during the Cold War.

NOTE: American Socialists got away with a lot throughout the Cold War because they played upon a realistic fear sensible Americans understood. Today’s young American parasites turning to Socialism would do well to remember that Major Kong will drop in on China if Socialists get the war they expect to win.

Take this one to the bank. Socialists/Communists are mistaken if they are counting on Americans allowing traitors to pull in their horns and regroup after their revolution goes belly up.

Finally, the Soviet Union being replaced by the China-North Korea Axis works against American Communists because they truly believe China’s Communists will embrace them with loving arms. In the unlikely event China-North Korea is victorious the Chicoms will march in and slaughter American Socialists rather than protect a few million hardcore American Communists who betrayed their own country. Aside from:

It would be a joke if the conduct of the victor had to be justified to the vanquished. Napoleon Bonaparte

nobody ever trusted a traitor:

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. Marcus Tillius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)
17 Takeaways From America’s Biggest Conservative Conference
Fred Lucas / Rachel del Guidice / Kevin Mooney / Joshua Nelson / Courtney Joyner /
March 02, 2019

You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:

Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm

10. Top Trump Economic Adviser Says We Should Put Socialism ‘on Trial’

Larry Kudlow, director of the president’s National Economic Council, called Thursday for putting socialism “on trial”—and convicting it.

“I want you, and everybody in this room and your friends and your neighbors, I want you to put socialism on trial, that’s what I’m asking,” Kudlow said, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“I don’t want us to stand idly by,” he told the CPAC audience. “I don’t want to let this stuff fester. I want it challenged. I want it debated. I want it rebutted. I want to convict socialism.”

The top economic adviser to Trump noted the emergence of support for socialism among young voters and among Democrats in Congress.

He singled out the so-called Green New Deal, a proposal backed by congressional Democrats in the form of a resolution sponsored by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass.

The Democrats’ plan would move the country away from fossil fuels while implementing a raft of liberal initiatives.

Kudlow called the proposal “central planning on a grand scale.”

Rehashing Socialism’s economic failures is akin to beating a dead horse. Every American knows the failures backwards and forwards.


Americans also know that the Soviet Union’s collapse is Socialism’s greatest failure to Democrats. That is why Democrats are determined to guard against China suffering the same defeat.

The XVI Amendment pays for Socialism. So long as Democrat parasites can implement and fund every piece of their agenda with income tax dollars this country is closer to becoming a Socialist country than ever before.

The XVI Amendment is Socialism’s greatest success story. Repealing the income tax is what conservatives should be talking about —— not trying to defeat Communism with touchy-feely garbage:

13. House Freedom Caucus Chairman Talks Failures of Socialism

Americans have to look no further than Venezuela to see the harms of socialism, the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus told conservative activists gathered Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

“In Venezuela, they’re wondering if [they] have enough rabbits to feed their people,” Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., said.

“We’ve got to get to a point where we celebrate capitalism and understand that in America it doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, that the American dream is available for everybody,” Meadows said. “I’ve lived the American dream and, quite frankly, it is available to each and every person.”
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The XVI Amendment pays for Socialism. So long as Democrat parasites can implement and fund every piece of their agenda with income tax dollars this country is closer to becoming a Socialist country than ever before. List only half of Socialism’s unconstitutional use of tax dollars if you want to see why Socialists are closing in on victory.

This is the only reason you need to repeal the INCOME TAX:

Want to Make Money? Work for the Government
By Terence P. Jeffrey |
May 8, 2019 | 4:32 AM EDT
What a crock

It appears anyway that he didn't use any of the Russian bloggers he often employs as his sources, rather stuck to the usual inane propagandized sites
You cannot put an ideology on trial in a criminal court, but Socialists/Communists can be put on trial for their greatest political victory. DEFEATING THIS COUNTRY IN VIETNAM.

The charge should be murdering thousands of American military personnel. It is shameful that nobody ever made it right for all the men who died in Vietnam after John Kerry et al. prolonged the war long enough to bring defeat to this country:
Next to the Vietnam Wall, we need a John Kerry/Fonda Wall of Shame listing those who prominently blasphemed the Vietnam GI. And let’s add the names of every member of Congress who voted in December 1974 to betray our allies and leave them to be slaughtered by an evil, vicious enemy.

'Beyond shameful': Don't fall for this deceitful Vietnam flick
Posted By Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady On 11/01/2017 @ 7:24 pm

Kerry is up to his old tricks in Iran:

The president suggested that Kerry, who has met with Iranian leaders over the Obama-era nuclear deal that Trump scrapped, broke an obscure law banning private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments without permission from the U.S.

“Iran is being given VERY BAD advice by @JohnKerry and people who helped him lead the U.S. into the very bad Iran Nuclear Deal. Big violation of Logan Act?” Trump tweeted.

Trump: 'Iran is being given very bad advice by John Kerry'
By Jordan Fabian
04/22/19 10:38 AM EDT

John Kerry’s treason during the Vietnam War remains unpunished. That is reason enough for President Trump to suspect Kerry of giving Iran this advice:

US Navy drone shot down by Iranian missile over Strait of Hormuz in 'unprovoked attack,' central command says
Lucas Tomlinson

Traitor Kerry had to know that shooting down an unmanned drone is like a jaywalking offense compared to the thousands of Americans he helped North Vietnam kill in Vietnam.

John Kerry was not famous when he first betrayed the country. Kerry was a U.S. Senator in 1995 when General Bui Tin was interviewed:

A Primer on Why We Lost Vietnam : A Vietnamese general confirms the anti-war movement's role in the U.S. defeat.
August 06, 1995

You can bet that the crowd in Hanoi were shaking their heads in bewilderment when Kerry first went to Congress. Kerry did give the old Commies a good laugh when they saw the traitor they met in Paris in 1971 go on to run for president and later become secretary of state. In short: Bui Tin had every reason to save Kerry from disgrace by not thanking him publicly along with Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark et al.

Kerry not becoming president in 2004 was the one and only time he disappointed North Vietnam.