Can America get back its symbols?


Verified User
Eurocentrists and Chinese Communists have stolen the symbols of American freedom - Betsy's circle of stars. If the people of the United States can overthrow the traitorous Feds, they can make the totalitarians pay for the theft and desecration of the American flag. US Army - greatest Army of the world.
When our land is illumined with Liberty's smile,
If a foe from within strike a blow at her glory,
Down, down with the traitor that dares to defile
The flag of her stars and the page of her story!
Eurocentrists and Chinese Communists have stolen the symbols of American freedom - Betsy's circle of stars. If the people of the United States can overthrow the traitorous Feds, they can make the totalitarians pay for the theft and desecration of the American flag. US Army - greatest Army of the world.

What does that word salad even mean?
Eurocentrists and Chinese Communists have stolen the symbols of American freedom - Betsy's circle of stars. If the people of the United States can overthrow the traitorous Feds, they can make the totalitarians pay for the theft and desecration of the American flag. US Army - greatest Army of the world.

I dont know what you are talking about but the Chinese will continue to kick the shit out of us.
Eurocentrists and Chinese Communists have stolen the symbols of American freedom - Betsy's circle of stars. If the people of the United States can overthrow the traitorous Feds, they can make the totalitarians pay for the theft and desecration of the American flag. US Army - greatest Army of the world.

Weird stuff. Hard to know what you're talking about.
Eurocentrists and Chinese Communists have stolen the symbols of American freedom - Betsy's circle of stars. If the people of the United States can overthrow the traitorous Feds, they can make the totalitarians pay for the theft and desecration of the American flag. US Army - greatest Army of the world.

This could be, the most rambling and incoherent OP I have ever read.

It seems to say:

- Euro people and Chinese Communists stolen the American flag (even though you say they stole 'symbols' (plural)).
- the US overthrew some 'Feds' - whoever the fuck they are.
- Americans can make the above-mentioned Euros/Chinese Communists, pay restitution for taking and damaging, one or more US flags.
- and then - out of the blue - you talk about how great you believe the US Army is?

Yup, I think it is official.

That is the most rambling and incoherent OP, I recall ever reading.
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