Can anybody here.......


Verified User
………..tell me where in my copy of our Constitution I can find the authority for a President to take a law passed by the congress that he has signed and change it simply by his whim? Where did Obama get the authority to exempt particular institutions and businesses and Congress from being subjected to Obama-Care?

Oh! That’s right Obama-Care was never constitutional to begin with just like every other federal socialist program. So who gives a flying fuck if this fucking communist dictator in the White House just dictates unconstitutionally, unconstitutional laws which ever fucking way he wants to?
………..tell me where in my copy of our Constitution I can find the authority for a President to take a law passed by the congress that he has signed and change it simply by his whim? Where did Obama get the authority to exempt particular institutions and businesses and Congress from being subjected to Obama-Care?

Oh! That’s right Obama-Care was never constitutional to begin with just like every other federal socialist program. So who gives a flying fuck if this fucking communist dictator in the White House just dictates unconstitutionally, unconstitutional laws which ever fucking way he wants to?

I'm still trying to find the Constituional authority Congress has to FORCE citizens to buy a product or service; where is that section?

Our founders are not just turning over in their graves; they're spinning.
I'm still trying to find the Constituional authority Congress has to FORCE citizens to buy a product or service; where is that section?

Our founders are not just turning over in their graves; they're spinning.

Of course there is no constitutional authority for the fucking feds to force anybody to buy anything or institute socialist programs. But America doesn’t give a flying fuck what the bastards in Washington do, look at how the minions keep electing and reelecting the communist/fascist authoritarian Duopoly bastards.
I never thought I would live to see half of Americans support and defend the welfare state. I guess it was a only a matter of time with the erosion of our educational system by Marxist ideologue professors who infest those systems with their ideological gobbledeygook.

Im glad that these efforts can no longer have an impact on my life, but I am saddened for my sons and this once great nations future.

While history is littered with the failures of leftist activism, Margaret Thatchers sage advice seems lost on the sheeple; that the problem with Socialism is the reality that eventually you run out of OTHER peoples money to spend.
Prove you’re not a fat moron bitch with shitty hash marks in your dirty panties!

Prove through your actions that nearly every damn conservative on this site is not a damn misogynist who attacks the women who post here in gendered terms nearly every damn day! I have never seen a more depraved and disgusting group of ignorant and demeaning men in all my time on the internet. Is this site listed as a preferred site for misogynists on the men victimization sites? Or is some fool on Facebook pointing all misogynists here?
dear idiot,

prove your claim

I guess that about says it all CL.....the news people won't touch it.....unless of course he would happen to be a Republican...

Bush went by the book on the Iraq War and was still beaten to death by the media and then of course the public....he still is....

What Obama is doing is UNconstitutioal....that is clear to those of us with working brains....he as close to a dictator as this country has ever seen.

Hes been ruling by edict on a number of issues....
………..tell me where in my copy of our Constitution I can find the authority for a President to take a law passed by the congress that he has signed and change it simply by his whim? Where did Obama get the authority to exempt particular institutions and businesses and Congress from being subjected to Obama-Care?

Oh! That’s right Obama-Care was never constitutional to begin with just like every other federal socialist program. So who gives a flying fuck if this fucking communist dictator in the White House just dictates unconstitutionally, unconstitutional laws which ever fucking way he wants to?

Obamacare is Socialism? Do the people own the Insurance industry?

I'm just poking at you because 99% of Americans HAVE NO CLUE what Socialism actually is....This is fact.

Obamacare is Socialism? Do the people own the Insurance industry?

I'm just poking at you because 99% of Americans HAVE NO CLUE what Socialism actually is....This is fact.

Ever since the failures of communism leftist have toiled diligently to disclaim communism as being socialism. They use a linguistic gymnastics game which interprets “public authority” as “We The People.” Of course public authority is government and America’s government was never even meant to be a “We The People” government/democracy. Therefore, socialism becomes as it does everywhere the ownership, i. e. control of society by ”GOVERNMENT.” To prove it just answer “was/is communism socialism?” Are public, We The People institutions government institutions? Are government institutions collective social endeavors? Is government that incorporates the collective people in any manner by its very nature and definition socialism?

Where is it written that socialism is ever and always an absolute anything and it can never be incorporated with capitalism, fascism, communism and or any other ism?

Is Obama-Care a public We The People institution? Well it damn sure ain’t political freedom, now is it? It’s a public We The People mandate, it’s the Fucking Socialist Law. If its constitutional, what ain’t constitutional? According to John Roberts opinion on Obama-Care government can do whatever the hell it wants anytime it wants as long as they ”TAX” for it. With judges like that absurd moron, We The People should have a “End Of Freedom Rally” and burn the Constitution and flush its ashes down the nearest toilet in Washington.
The Supreme Court has failed the Republic in their bizzarre ruling on Owebamacare just as they did with Roe vs Wade and abortion on demand.

The founders are not rolling in their graves, but spinning.
i duuno. there are signing statements where POTUS will mention how they intend to enforce laws. This one was weird,

I suppose it is because the "exectutive disposes" (Congress proposes), more likely no-one is taking it to SCOTUS; not that they are likely to re-visit this.

Plus they hate getting into seperation of powers issues.