Can the Worker Drones be replaced?


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This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???
This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???

Those unemployed. Unemployment insurance, the economists tell us, return $2 for every $1 that is put out there for unemployment insurance," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the House floor. "It injects demand into the economy, it creates jobs to help reduce the deficit," Pelosi said.
What was the answer when saddle makers pointed to automobiles and said whats to become of us ?

They spotted a new need for their skills when they saw cars had hard benches to sit on.

You adapt.

Its been going on for as long as there have been people.
Those unemployed. Unemployment insurance, the economists tell us, return $2 for every $1 that is put out there for unemployment insurance," Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the House floor. "It injects demand into the economy, it creates jobs to help reduce the deficit," Pelosi said.

I think that was Andrew Yang's point of view, pay people so they can spend it.
I got that part.
But where does the money come from?
(Yes, I know the Government owns the Printing Presses)
What was the answer when saddle makers pointed to automobiles and said whats to become of us ?

They spotted a new need for their skills when they saw cars had hard benches to sit on.

You adapt.

Its been going on for as long as there have been people.

So your view is that there will always be Jobs for everybody?
This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???

Good question. I have been thinking about this too. Eventually we will have lots of people with no economic value to society.
Good question. I have been thinking about this too. Eventually we will have lots of people with no economic value to society.

Now, there is a Republican Plan for this. It's called 'Guard/Prisoner'.
Briefly, we build 'For Profit Prisons' and then arrest the 'economic useless' and incarcerate them.
The 'college drop-outs' are hired as guards, you know, so they can pay their student loans back.
The Theory is that the government will pay the Private Prison to house the 'economic useless' and create a 'income stream' for the Shareholders, while at the same time providing an 'income stream' for the Bond Holders of the student debt by employing the 'Drop-Outs' as 'Guards'.

Basically a 'Win-Win' for the Ownership Class.

But I was wondering if somebody, anybody, had a different Plan?
This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???

Who will have disposable income for discretionary consumption???? Don't forget that discretionary consumption is what fuels economical growth.
America is in the Robin Hood situation,take from the rich gives to the poor.
Just the opposite of Corporate Capitalism
take from the poor and give to the filthy rich.
This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???

UBI and a National Labor Robotic Tax distributed to the citizens.
This Pandemic raises some questions.

Yes. We can replace the Worker Drones with Automation and Artificial Intelligence.
But. Capitalism depends on CONSUMPTION.

So ... if we replace the Drones with Robots, WHO does the consumption???

There has be some support for citizens if 50% will lose their jobs in the next twenty years.

I agree. I like your idea of a 'Robot Tax'. Some way to generate some money to fund the UBI.
One of the Presidential candidates suggested a 'tax' on the 'machine trading' (algo-trading that occurs hundreds of times a second) on Wall street.
That and your idea sound similar.

"Algorithmic trading
Algorithmic trading is a method of executing orders using automated pre-programmed trading instructions accounting for variables such as time, price, and volume. This type of trading was developed to make use of the speed and data processing advantages that computers have over human traders.Wikipedia"