Can this really be just a conspiracy? Open thread


Black Kitty Ain't Happy
China has been staring at a financial cliff of its own making for a couple years now.

And the good ole USofA threw itself into overdrive for one of its own moments after Pedo Joe Biden was sworn into an office he did not win.

Russia was far from from economically well to boot.

And the past few years Russia and China have been buying up gold willy nilly. The Brave New World will HAVE to have some sort of real basis for an economy (sorry crypto, just not happening for you unless China, Russia and US establish their own to serve as the sort of physical representation as two outta three look to be setting up for even as we type).

What was needed was a calamity of global proportions.

China and Anthony Fauci gave it the old college try with COVID but came up short thanks to Donald Trump.

So the clock kept on a-ticking...

Now we have the Kerfuffle in UKR and massive governmental power grabs setting the stage for massive defaults that can now be blamed on something other than catastrophically bad policy (drunken sailor spending directly into the pockets of the various Wall Streets around the globe).

So kids whuudayathink ?

Is there anything else that so seamlessly explains all the shit being shoveled into the world's economic fans ?

This thread is open to y'all.
Congrats. With this post you now have two replies. #NotTheGreatestThreadInJPPHistory

Apparently you have to be warped to swallow all of that nonsense, in particular, "Joe Biden was sworn into an office he did not win." As soon as you see that, you know discussion is futile.

yes. because you people ignore all evidence. even public confessions from the perpetrators.

see time article.