Can we please have our straws back?

I really hate that these places all use environmentally unfriendly paper cups that are also not particularly energy efficient in terms of keeping your beverage warm or cold myself. Styrofoam using nitrogen to foam it is far more environmentally friendly. It is much more recyclable, and at a much lower cost, than paper. It is an insulator too. It's initial cost is lower as well. It takes far more chemicals, energy, and pollution to make paper than plastic yet, because the Left has been sold a lie about plastic it demands paper.
I really hate that these places all use environmentally unfriendly paper cups that are also not particularly energy efficient in terms of keeping your beverage warm or cold myself. Styrofoam using nitrogen to foam it is far more environmentally friendly. It is much more recyclable, and at a much lower cost, than paper. It is an insulator too. It's initial cost is lower as well. It takes far more chemicals, energy, and pollution to make paper than plastic yet, because the Left has been sold a lie about plastic it demands paper.

This diet that our owners are going to make us save the planet they claim (they are lying) really going to suck.