Can we spare this generation a lifetime of being meme bait and just call them Gen B?


Nemo me impune lacessit
Each one of those generations intellectually categorized beyond evolving in plain sight since conceived is arriving great great grandchildren replacing their specific 30 ancestors of the previous 4 generation gaps by chromosomes added each ancestor added daily, one at a time living in series parallel conditions in this atmosphere.

this has been going on for over 350 generations combined.

Your mind typecasts ancestors into characters on a world stage pretending humanity is a better world order than how genetics works in plain sight balancing outcomes of each beating heart occupying time now.

over 8 billion ancestors and humans typecast themselves into role playing people cradle to grave wishing their character was more than their time alive even after dead with genetic outcomes existing as eternally separated now.

What I find funny about the chart is labeled generations are separated every 15 years and I average 20 years between actual generation gaps between 16 original great great grandparents, 2nd generation of 8 great grandparents, 3rd generation of 4 grandparents, 4th generation 2 parenting the arrival of the 5th as each great great grandchild replacing their previous 4 30 ancestors.

Never in the sequencing of next generations was there ever a previous ancestor born twice in any rotation of the planet, revolution around the star in the last 7,000 years of active vernacular tribalism governing tomorrows midnight to noon the noon to midnight same rotation each rotation forward lifetimes change shape since formed a fertilized cell spontaneously separated simultaneously alive now or died so far.

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