APP - Can we take a moment to mourn


New member
Can we take a moment to mourn the people who lost their lives at the naval shipyard?

It was a horrible event, and we don't know the answers yet - but we do know a lot of families are in mourning now, missing their loved ones.

Can we, for just a few hours, not argue gun control, not argue the race of the shooters, not be jerks?

Can we just mourn?
Can we take a moment to mourn the people who lost their lives at the naval shipyard?

It was a horrible event, and we don't know the answers yet - but we do know a lot of families are in mourning now, missing their loved ones.

Can we, for just a few hours, not argue gun control, not argue the race of the shooters, not be jerks?

Can we just mourn?

I am beginning to think these events don't even phase most people anymore, it just compounds the tragedy.
Personally, when people freak out over people they dont even know, I'd like to see them show that much interest in the lives of the people right next door or down the block from them. If they did, maybe so many people wouldnt slip thru the cracks and become total losers or slip further into mental illness and go out and do this horrible stuff.
Personally, when people freak out over people they dont even know, I'd like to see them show that much interest in the lives of the people right next door or down the block from them. If they did, maybe so many people wouldnt slip thru the cracks and become total losers or slip further into mental illness and go out and do this horrible stuff.

I don't see it as either/or. Pretty sure most of us are interested in, or at least aware of, the lives of our neighbors more than the lives of strangers.

I like to think there's a law of the universe that says the more you give, the more you're able to give.
"Think globally, act locally."

I think people feed off of all that drama vicariously. Look at the $$$ donated to the people involved in these things....everywhere. Look at the $$ donated after the tsunami in Asia. Or "the families of" school shootings or other tragedies. Let their communities and churches etc step up.

Spend that $$ locally helping out and maybe such awful things wont happen (m'k, I suppose tsunamis will still happen, lol)