All over the internet the leftie, Neo Marxist Democrats - the people who salivate at Political Correctness - Hate speech law - affirmative action - identity politics - minorities as poor unfortunate people who ned your help - blacks as poor unfortunate people incapable of progressing - blacks as victims - opposing the rule of law and much more.
The aforesaid, we know is what you stand for and raise your flag to. But tell us - what is your real base, root politics and values?
I can say; I value the rule of law and all people should be treated equally under the law. Basically the US Bill of rights/Constitution.
I can say: No one is perfect, perfection is an aim, an objective, a journey. I say: free speech is absolute except when it is a call to action whereby a person or property is damaged.
So, you Democrats and leftie types can you just say what you as a person stand for? Dr Jordan Peterson has a great phrase when he hears the young lefties at Uni who do not have a clue, he says: "They are not in the room" - "they cite what some professor taught them. They have no opinions of their own and you do not know what they are, they are not there, not in the room"!!
This is very common. I have had many debates with lefties, some were friends and are family. When you push them to back up a claim they make: such as I will say: "what about the killers and rapist freely crossing the border illegally"? I am citing an absolute fact. In every single instance they get very angry and never, not ever have they answered that claim of mine. NOT ONCE. They get angry and name call and in a few cases they actually walk out, walk away. All over a question based upon fact.
So tell us, what is you Democrats stand for??
Rpleis such as ; A fair world or Trump is a twat - will not cut the mustard but this is what I expect.
The aforesaid, we know is what you stand for and raise your flag to. But tell us - what is your real base, root politics and values?
I can say; I value the rule of law and all people should be treated equally under the law. Basically the US Bill of rights/Constitution.
I can say: No one is perfect, perfection is an aim, an objective, a journey. I say: free speech is absolute except when it is a call to action whereby a person or property is damaged.
So, you Democrats and leftie types can you just say what you as a person stand for? Dr Jordan Peterson has a great phrase when he hears the young lefties at Uni who do not have a clue, he says: "They are not in the room" - "they cite what some professor taught them. They have no opinions of their own and you do not know what they are, they are not there, not in the room"!!
This is very common. I have had many debates with lefties, some were friends and are family. When you push them to back up a claim they make: such as I will say: "what about the killers and rapist freely crossing the border illegally"? I am citing an absolute fact. In every single instance they get very angry and never, not ever have they answered that claim of mine. NOT ONCE. They get angry and name call and in a few cases they actually walk out, walk away. All over a question based upon fact.
So tell us, what is you Democrats stand for??
Rpleis such as ; A fair world or Trump is a twat - will not cut the mustard but this is what I expect.