
1960s Chick Magnet
....between a Bb cornet and a Bb trumpet?

I think that I may have been able to once, but I can't now.

Maybe in person, only if back to back, but certainly not on an internet YouTube comparison.

Hearing deteriorates with age. I'm not certain if I could tell in person anymore, either.

For me, they're totally interchangeable.

I can hear it

That bright sound

The trumpet the notes are crisper

The cornet has a mellow ring to it

More rounded and less bright and crisp
I can hear it

That bright sound

The trumpet the notes are crisper

The cornet has a mellow ring to it

More rounded and less bright and crisp
Excellent, 'vince!

That's exactly what the difference is supposed to be. You're hearing accurately.

Enjoy being young and having highly functional body parts because sadly, it doesn't last forever.:)


Well. older women generally do have better hearing, particular in higher cycles per second tones*, than older men,
and also,
I was 64 eleven years ago.

Thank God for Apisa to handle the position of senior board geriatric at 85.

* Maybe you'd have a harder time telling the difference between a BBb sousaphone and a BBb tuba!
My ear training was done purely by loving music and listening to a wide variety of types of Music

I love horns

Most music I like involves horns

I doubt I could

I never was around individual instruments much

In the period in between 'nam and marriage, I lived in clubs.
I loved horn bands especially when I was young.
The Boston area had lots of them back then, and I knew many of the lounge lizards who were playing at the time. Went to school with some.

It's frightening how many of them are dead now. Not the healthiest life style, I guess.
One of the widows remains a close social friend of the Gestapo and I, however.
She always makes me my favorite grape nut pudding on my birthday.
My jam is music of and by the people

Rebel music

Everyday man music

You were always more egalitarian than I, I gather from your posts.
I sometimes have trouble with people, but dogs--everybody's dogs--seem to love me.
Few people have had more face licks than I.